Media Production


Move forward! Every day we have the opportunity to move forward in our relationship with God.

A House United

Our citizenship in Heaven (Philippians 3:20] on us should keep us from being drawn into taking sides in the hopeless political efforts of men.
Media Production

What Difference Can You Make?

The apostle Paul gives us an example today of how to deal with people's disagreements.

The Forward Looking Christian

None of us are immune to adversity and challenges in our lives. God never promised to mankind an easy life free from challenge in this physical world. Therefore, we do not have this promise either. So what do we do…


Paul, in writing to the Philippians pursued three themes, quite dependent on one another. They were humility, unity, and joy; unity being the focus of this message.
"Let This Mind Be in You." What Mind?

"Let This Mind Be in You." What Mind?

The apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians about having another person's mind. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). What does that mean?
A Holy Bible laying on a table.

Paul's Desire to "Depart and Be With Christ"

Many have assumed from Paul's words in Philippians 1:23-24 that he believed that at the moment of his death his consciousness would leave his body to join Christ in heaven. But is this the case?

The Same Kind of People Live Here!

Imagine if we all thought of each other this way!