Planned Giving

How to Give
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Planned Gifts take a number of forms. There are outright gifts of assets such as appreciated securities or real estate.

Planned Gifts take a number of forms. There are outright gifts of assets such as appreciated securities or real estate. Other types of planned gifts provide a financial benefit on top of tax deductions for donors. For donors it is very useful to think of planned giving as a process, as opposed to a set of products

  • Gifts of appreciated Mutual Funds, Bonds, Stock, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and Unit Investment Trusts (UITs)
  • A Gift of Ap­preciated Real Estate
    • Unencumbered, Clean Title
    • No Liens Debt Fee
    • Undeveloped real estate, homes, rentals, business property
  • A Gift of Life Insurance
    • Multiplies the Gift
    • Can create an Endowment
    • Gift paid for over time
  • Charitable gifts by cash, check, or wire transfer

The Church accepts donations of publicly traded stock, bonds, or mutual fund shares which can be some of the most effective means of tax savings available. If you are considering this type of donation, please contact our Planned Giving Coordinator who can answer questions and provide you the name of the Church’s brokerage firm to execute the transfer.

  • To qualify for these special tax advantages, the security must have been held for at least one year. Donors are eligible to receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair-market-value of the stock at the time of the gift which is fully deductible up to 30% of the donor’s adjusted gross income. Capital gains taxes on the stock can also be avoided.
  • For example, if your adjusted gross income is $100,000 you would commonly be able to deduct up to $30,000. Any excess can generally be carried forward and deducted over as many as five subsequent years. Some donors may only get a partial phase-out of itemized deductions. Consult your tax advisor about your particular situation.
  • This chart shows how an investment with a market value of $10,000 can become a gift. The investment can be donated directly through your broker to our broker and capital gains can be avoided while still being able to have an income tax deduction on the full market value.
  Donate appreciated property direct Donate $10,000 cash Sell property first and donate cash afterwards (assumes no transaction feets)
Charitable deduction $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Ordinary income tax savings (assumes 35% rate) $3,500 $3,500 $3,500
Capital gains tax paid (assumes 15% tax rate on $8,000 gain) $1,200 saved N/A $1,200 paid
Net tax savings $4,700 $3,500 $2,300


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For additional information or assistance, please contact your tax advisor