Heaven and Hell

How can an all-loving God torture people forever? What happens to babies who aren't baptized? How can this be fair? If you have struggled with the notion of Heaven and Hell, you'll be relieved to know, this common notion is not biblical. When we let the Bible speak for itself, we find that God is consistent, fair, and loving.

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Burning Questions About Hell

Are you aware that the Bible’s teaching about hell may differ significantly from what you may have always believed?
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The Truth About Heaven Is Better Than You Think

The Bible doesn’t teach that you go to heaven upon death. But what it does expound is marvelous!
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The Truth About the Rich Man and Lazarus

Contrary to common belief, Jesus didn’t say we have immortal souls that go to heaven or hell at death.
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When Heaven Comes to Earth

Jesus didn’t teach that people go to heaven, but that He will bring the Kingdom of God to earth at His second coming.

The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead

Join us for this very interesting video study of the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Do you believe you have an immortal soul? Do you know what happens when you die? The answers to these questions and much…
Sunrays coming through the clouds.

When Heaven Comes to Earth

You were born to live a life Jesus Christ can use when He returns with the Kingdom He receives from His Father. Are you using your time now to prepare for your future role?
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Will I Go to Heaven?

The Bible teaches that good people don’t go to heaven or anything like heaven upon death. Tune in to learn the plain truth.

Lazarus & the Rich Man

The story of Lazarus and the rich man is actually a story that fits squarely and comfortably within the resurrection sequence we find in Revelation 20:4-5 and multiple other places in scripture. Watch and listen to this message as we…

He Has Put Eternity In Their Hearts

For obvious reasons the subject of death and the afterlife have been on my mind recently. At the Feast this year I had the opportunity to discuss the great 2nd resurrection on the 8th Day… and sadly came home and…

They Are Waiting on Us

God's Feasts are independent and interdependent. One supports all; all support one. As God’s first-fruits, we are connected with God’s great White Throne Judgment of billions of future brethren. In truth, "They are waiting on us."