Beyond Today Television Program

Burning Questions About Hell

Are you aware that the Bible’s teaching about hell may differ significantly from what you may have always believed?


[Steve Myers] The Bible plainly says that the penalty for sin is death. But what happens next? Is God punishing sinners right now in hell and forever? Let's go to the Bible.

Hell can be a scary subject, sinners tortured in ever-burning fiery torment. Now you might think that some people deserve it. I mean especially the worst people that ever lived. People like Hitler, Osama bin Laden, or Pol Pot. Are they burning forever for their sins? What about your unbelieving relatives? What do you believe when you think of hell? Today I'd like to discuss three burning questions about hell. Now most who claim to be believers, they don't know the answers to these questions. They don't really understand what the Bible actually says. And so let's look at a couple of questions that perhaps you've considered before. Is hell a real place? Now to begin with, some believe that hell is just a superstition. I mean it's just something that's symbolic, isn't it? Or is it reality, or is it just plain fiction? Perhaps it's something altogether different?

Well a recent study found something very interesting. Not only that people believe in hell, but they believe it's a real place where people who have led bad lives and die, they die there without being sorry, they're eternally punished. Fifty-eight percent of people believe that. Now what about you? Perhaps you feel the same. Well as we answer these burning questions, we're going to get to the truth of the Bible. We've got to go to the source. We can't just go to perhaps what we were taught when we were young or what somebody else thinks. We have to go to the absolute source, the truth of God's Word. In fact there are many Christians that might contend that if you have even question this idea of hell, well you are rejecting what the church has always agreed to. Do you think that's true? That is not true.

Did you know the doctrine of eternal torment was not a widely held idea for the first 500 years after Christ? In fact the New Testament Church of God, the early apostles, like Paul, and Peter, and James, true believers, believers like Polycarp, they did not accept the idea of an ever-burning hell. So from where did that concept originate? Now if you look back in history, you can make the case that 4,000 years ago these ideas began. In fact about 100 years after the flood, that would take you to Babylon. Back in Babylon they believed in a land of no return. They called it the House of the Dead. And it was a dark and gloomy place that they believed in and the dead there led a weary and miserable existence. Now that's before Christ. That's before Moses. That's before Abraham. And that's where those false ideas began.

Now if we move ahead to Ancient Greece, 2,300 years ago the philosopher Plato was another one who believed in a place where the wicked are punished. And so when you put these things together it is not an overstatement to say that unchristian teachings, Greek philosophy became the basis for the doctrine of hell. And so as we think about that question, is hell a real place? Well we'd have to say yes, but not the place that you might imagine. Now when we begin to look at the Bible we find the most common Old Testament word that's often translated hell is Sheol. Now do you know what Sheol means? It means the grave. In fact it occurs 65 times in the Old Testament. Thirty-one times it's translated grave, another 31 times it's translated hell, and 3 other times translated the pit.

It's interesting to note that the New International Version of the Bible always translates that word grave, and never hell. And what's interesting about it is that word does not imply a place that's always burning, not eternal torment. So if we were to ask the question, who's burning in Sheol? Who's burning in the grave? We'd have to answer, no one. No one's burning in the ground. That's just not happening.

And so when we look at the Old Testament and even the New Testament, and we'll look at a couple of examples in just a moment, you've probably heard of that New Testament word for hell. It's the Greek word Hades. And oftentimes the translators don't even translate that word. They'll just leave it untranslated. And what you'll find is Hades has the exact same meaning as Sheol. It means the grave or the pit. And yeah the grave is a place but it's not a place of eternal torment. The grave is not a place where people are burning continually. Here's a good example of this. When we look at Sheol and we look at what we find in the New Testament, the word Hades.

Now in the Old Testament there's a passage in Job, Job 14:13. Here's what Job wrote. He wrote, "Oh, that You would hide me in the grave, that You would conceal me until Your wrath is passed." Now that word for grave here, that's Sheol. Sometimes translated hell. "Oh, that You would hide me in hell, You'd conceal me until Your wrath is passed." And he goes on, “that You would appoint me a set time and remember me." So here we find Job praying that God would hide him in Sheol until his appointed time. Now what translator would claim that righteous Job went to hell? I mean that's not the case. I mean, it's very clear here, that Job knew he was going to Sheol, he was going to the grave. And in fact he was taking something with him. He was taking hope with him, hope that God would resurrect him later.

In fact a similar thing is found when we look over to the Psalms. There's an interesting example where King David writes about hell, writes about Sheol. And here's what he says in Psalm 49:15. He says, "God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for He shall receive me." So here's King David, he's called a man after God's own heart, and he speaks of God redeeming him or restoring his life from the power of Sheol. Well is David, that righteous king, burning in hell? I mean obviously scripture is not saying that at all. He's in the grave.

And in fact when we look at Ecclesiastes, it makes it very clear. Ecclesiastes 9:10, it says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there's no work or device, or knowledge, or wisdom in the grave, where you're going." And of course that word for grave, once again, is Sheol, sometimes translated hell, the pit. So in one sense you might say, everyone's going to hell because we are all destined to die and we're all going to the grave. And it's really unfortunate that so many translators were so heavily influenced by human tradition, by Greek philosophy, and just plain misunderstandings. Of course we find too, that it's not just an Old Testament thing.

In fact we find Jesus Christ speaking about this in Matthew 11:23. And in the King James Version of the Bible it says this, it says, "Thou Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to hell." That's the King James Version. Well does that mean that the entire city with its people, its animals, the houses, the streets, all went down to hell, and they're being eternally tormented? I mean that's not happening. Of course not. Of course not. If you read it in the New King James, it says, "Hades, the grave," like that Old Testament word Sheol. And so really, what's happening here is Christ is predicting that the city will be destroyed because they won't believe, they won't repent. So what happened? That city was brought down to its own literal grave.

Now don't get me wrong, just because there's not an ever-burning hell doesn't mean that God doesn't punish. And there is a judgment. Everyone must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and take responsibility for his or her actions. But hopefully you can begin to see how misinterpretation and wrong philosophy has affected people's ideas of hell. In fact this Biblical concept of hell, maybe one you haven't heard of before, and maybe it sounds strange, and perhaps it's a little confusing, and maybe you've always wondered about this - how could a good God do something like this? Well don't feel alone because it can be difficult to know exactly where to start.

And so to help you we have a Bible study aid, it's called "Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?" if you want to know the truth. And so call us at the number on your screen, and you can get your free copy of this Bible study aid, so you can discover what the Bible teaches for yourself or you can go to There on our website, you can download a free copy or you can read it right there online. I mean, this guide will really help you to understand the truth of the Bible. In fact all of our publications are free. And this will help you to answer those burning questions that you may have about hell.

And one thing it will certainly help with, it can give you peace of mind that you can understand the truth because sometimes this idea of eternal torment can be scary. It can be frightening. But don't fall for those wrong ideas. Don't fall for those traditional things. You want to get to the truth. So this study aid will certainly help you to do just that. And when you begin to study it you'll find for yourself that it wasn't until 553 AD that the Catholic Council of Constantinople approved the teaching of hell as a literal place of never-ending punishment for wicked people. But we've seen that's not a Biblical thing. And in fact as time went on what really cemented those wrong ideas about hell, something that happened about 1,000 years after that, you've probably heard of “Dante's Inferno."

Well Dante was an Italian poet, and he wrote an imaginary description of hell in his work, "The Divine Comedy," And at the beginning of that story, it's known as “Dante's Inferno." It's fictional. It's not real. It's a made-up story. And in fact that's where so many of these just dreadful, horrific depictions of the fiery torments of suffering of hell come from. Not from the Bible but from these images of the Renaissance painter, Botticelli, and then later the French artist, Gustave Doré. They created these horrific, stunning, really unforgettable images that depicted these horrors of hell. Now the worst part, Dante and these images had a greater impact on the belief of the torments of hell than the truth of the Bible. I mean Dante's vivid imagination, you know it almost has nothing to do with the true teachings of God's Word.

And so, what resulted? Well the concept of hell has become a matter of folklore and philosophy, rather than biblical fact. Unbiblical ideas, they basically replaced biblical truth when it comes to this concept of hell. And you might say, "Well, wait a second. I'm pretty sure Jesus talked about it, didn't He? I mean, didn't Jesus talk about hell?" Well, He did. He spoke of those who don't have a relationship with Him. And in Matthew 25:46, He said something interesting. He said, "These shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal." And so Christ is talking about a time of judgment. And at that time there's two options and they're both eternal. Eternal life and punishment that lasts forever. Now you might say, "Well look at that, that supports the idea of hell, doesn't it? Someone being tormented forever and ever, right? There it is." Okay. Let's look exactly what that passage says. It says everlasting punishment. And so Christ was showing that He simply meant the punishment is permanent. The punishment is final. These people will never come back to life again. Everlasting punishment is not everlasting punishing.

So there's a difference. The punishment is final. It's not continual punishing. And so, when you really look at your Bible, there's nowhere, there's no evidence of someone being alive and tortured forever and ever, and ever. In fact another New Testament example we could find in 2 Thessalonians 1:9, notice the similarities to what Christ taught. Second Thessalonians says this, "These shall be punished with everlasting destruction, from the presence of the Lord, from the glory of His power," in fact we'll look at a little bit more about this verse in a moment. It talks about everlasting punishment. You see that's not eternal torment. And what's the punishment? It's destruction. Not unending pain, not unending suffering. It's not eternal torment. It's not that at all. The punishment is you're done. It's over. Now some may not see exactly what this is saying and turn to Matthew 18 to try to prove there definitely is a hellfire.

Well let's look at that for just a moment. Now these are the words of Christ once again. Matthew 18:9, here's what Christ says. He says, "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It's better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having to eyes to be cast into hellfire." Yeah Christ said that. In fact He's the one that probably spoke about this kind of hell the most. Well what about this hellfire? That's actually the Greek word Gehenna. And it's derived from a Hebrew expression, Ge Hinnom, which is literally the Valley of Hinnom. It was a real place, a literal place, and it was a valley on the south side of Jerusalem. Now that word Gehenna, it's one that really should have been translated to hellfire or sometimes just the word hell. In this place, that word should have just remained Gehenna. And here's why. In Jesus' day Gehenna was Jerusalem's waste site, what we might call today a toxic dump. It was a horrible place. It was a place that was full of just putrid garbage. I mean it included rotting animals. It was so bad it even included the bodies of executed criminals that were thrown into Gehenna to be burned.

So it was a polluted place. It was full of worms and maggots. And when you study history, you'll find that it was a sulfur fed burning dump. And those sulfur fires continued to burn. They never seemed to go out year after year after year, because they'd throw more garbage, more bodies that were added to the pile all the time. And so those fires kept the filth and the vermin, well at least a little bit under control. And so here's Jesus Christ depicting the ultimate destiny of evil and unrepented people using that imagery of Gehenna. And what's going to happen to those people? They're going to end up like the garbage of Gehenna, finally burned to ash, and they'll become dust. You see with that idea there was no concept of Gehenna being a place of eternal torture. Christ wanted people to understand that fate and if you don't repent and you don't change, there is suffering in the future. Do you think the people of His day understood that? I mean they knew that place. They knew it wasn’t eternally burning. But of course, as you consider that, you may find, "Oh, I've never heard that before." I know when I first learned this, I was surprised what the Bible actually taught about hell and eternal judgment. And you probably have more questions.

We want to help you answer those questions. How do you make sense of it? Get our study aid, "Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?" You can call us on the number on your screen and we'll send you a free copy where you can study this, put it next to your Bible, you compare what the Bible is saying to our study aids so that you can really discern the truth. I know you want to know what the Bible really says. In fact maybe you're tired of hearing what others think about it, tired of philosophy if you’ve heard it. Well find out for yourself. Call us at the number here on your screen or go to because there you can begin to read it for yourself and come to what the truth of the Word of God is all about.

Certainly another question that comes to mind is when. That question, when are the wicked punished? I mean God certainly punishes, but when does that punishment take place? Now most people think that happens right when you die. Is that the case? Well before talking about that, we have to recognize the fact there is coming a time that God is going to hold mankind responsible. We all have to take personal responsibility for our actions. And Revelation 21 speaks to that very fact. It reminds us, ultimately those who don't want anything to do with God will have to face judgment. And so it reminds us here the cowardly, the unbelieving, in fact this is Revelation 21:8, the abominable, the murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death.

And so you might go, "Whoa, is this talking about an ever-burning hellfire?" Well no, what does it say happens to unrepentant sinners? Well it says they die the second death. They burn up in a lake of fire. So people are not suffering everlasting torment. That's just not the case. When God destroys someone in hell, in this lake of fire, what's the result? It's death. It's death that lasts forever. There's no coming back. There's no resurrection from this fate. And that's why it's called the second death because God will destroy, He'll annihilate an unrepentant person in Gehenna fire. And so the Bible is clear. It speaks of the total destruction of those who will not repent, those who are wicked. Malachi 4 also speaks to that very fact. Notice how clear Malachi 4 is right at the very beginning of that chapter. It says, “’For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all of the proud, yes, all who do wickedly, will be stubble. The day which is coming shall burn them up,’ says the Lord of Hosts. ‘You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I do this,’ says the Lord of Hosts." That's pretty clear, isn't it?

God makes the ultimate fate of unrepentant sinners unmistakable. They will be consumed in the flames of the lake of fire. And what will be left? Ashes. They'll burn up in fire. It's not the mythical hell of torment that so many imagined. You see, God is a God of mercy. He's a God of love. Those who choose to reject God, don't want to follow His way of life, won't obey His law? Ultimately, they'll be consumed by fire and forgotten. They won't be tortured for eternity. And so the plain truth of the Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners are burned up in the lake of fire or Gehenna fire.

Now, when does that happen? Well, the judgment will not take place immediately at death. You don't go to heaven or to a burning hell at death. You go to Sheol or Hades. You go to the grave. In fact Christ Himself verified this in John 5:28. And here's what Christ said, "Don't marvel at this. Don't be surprised at this." He said, "The hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth, those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation." So there will be judgment for every human being, that's when you'll receive the reward or the punishment. And Christ says don't be surprised. Don't be surprised." You know I've seen some that have taken kind of an inappropriate pleasure believing in hell, believing in hellfire thinking that, "I know evil people that deserve that." But that's not the truth of the Bible. You can know the truth. And God's plan is better than what you may have ever imagined.

So learn about it for yourself, get our free study aid, "Heaven and Hell: What does the Bible Really Teach?" Call us, go to our website at Don't you want to know what God says on the subject? So get a free copy of our study aid. And you'll be able to know the truth and you'll find that Christ teaches people are not suffering now. And they won't be suffering for eternity. In fact at the return of Christ is when that judgment is finally given, not at death. So as we think about those burning questions, is hell a literal place? Yes. But instead of an ever-burning place of torture, it's simply the grave. It's Sheol. It's Hades. Now we ask the question, did Jesus teach about hell? Yes, He sure did.

He taught about Gehenna fire, where the wicked will be destroyed, and there'll be consumed by the heat of that fire and never live again. The wicked will not live forever burning in hellfire.

And our third burning question, when are the unrepentant punished? Well biblically it tells us not at death. You don't go to heaven or hell at death. Punishment will not take place until after the return of Jesus Christ at the end of the age. And so God's Word is true. It says, "The wages of sin is death, not torture." And so what a blessing to know the truth of God, knowing God Himself. His amazing character, His mercy, and His love, and that He would never treat anyone unfairly. In fact God wants to give you every opportunity to be successful and give you eternal life. He wants eternal life for as many as possible. So I hope you'll get to know him better and learn the truth of His work.

[Narrator] Please call for the booklet offered on today’s program, "Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?" This free study aid will help you answer the tough questions such as, “what did Jesus teach happens to you when you die?”, “Is Heaven God’s Reward for the Righteous?”, “Will a loving God punish people forever in Hell?”, and “What Can Be Learned from the Story of Lazarus and the Rich Man?” Order now. Call toll free 1-888-886-8632 or write to the address shown on your screen. You need to base your beliefs on the solid rock of the Bible. Discover exactly what God has to say about heaven and hell. When you order this free study aid, we'll also send you a complimentary one-year subscription to our "Beyond Today" magazine. The Beyond Today magazine brings you understanding of today’s world, and hope for the future. Six times a year, you'll read about current world events in light of Bible prophecy as well as practical knowledge to improve your marriage and family. Call today to receive your free booklet, "Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?" And your free one-year subscription to "Beyond Today magazine, 1-888-886-8632 or go online to

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Steve Myers

Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.

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For Christians who believe in a God of love, the concept of an ongoing hell can be disturbing and difficult to understand. What the Bible truly teaches about hell may surprise you!

Are you afraid that a friend or someone you know is in hell, burning now and forever in fiery torment? On the other hand, you might not be too worried about the thought of your enemies burning in hell.

Perhaps you don't buy into the concept of going to hell at all. Some think it's mere superstition. After all, if God is a Being of great love, why would He condemn people to suffer horrendous agony in hell forever?

Even for a great many who consider themselves Christians, hell can be disturbing and difficult to understand. What the Bible teaches—the truth—is much simpler.

Many believe a in a perpetual fiery hell

Millions of people believe their enemies and even some of their loved ones are burning in the fires of hell right now. A recent survey found that the majority of Americans believe in a fiery hell. The belief is not just one held by Americans. In Britain and Australia, more than three out of 10 surveyed professed a belief in hell. About the same number in Canada accept hell as real.

Many believe that hell is a real place where bad people who have led sinful lives receive eternal punishing. But many struggle to understand how a loving Creator God would condemn His creation to eternal torment. How could that be love?

What are the facts from the Bible about hell? Does God's Word describe it as a real place, or something symbolic? Is it just plain fiction, or is hell something else altogether?

Did you know that early Christians did not believe in the idea of an ever-burning hell? It wasn't a teaching of Jesus or the Bible! We'll explore exactly what Jesus did teach the early Church about hell and judgment. First, let's investigate where the idea of fiery, eternal torment in execution of judgment of sinful life actually came from.

Dante's Inferno

In the early 1300s, the noted Italian poet Dante Alighieri penned an imaginary description of hell in his work The Divine Comedy. The beginning section of that epic poem is known as the Inferno—the Italian word for hell.

This one story is probably most responsible for the commonly held notions of hell today. How could this one story about hell form and shape what millions believe?

In his poem, Dante imagines that the ancient Roman poet Virgil takes him on a guided tour through hell.

At the entrance gates to Dante's hell is an ominous inscription that ends, "Abandon all hope, you who enter here" (Inferno, A New Verse Translation, Dante Alighieri, ed. Elio Zappulla, Canto III, p. 39).

Virgil tells Dante about the journey through hell: "I'll be your guide, and you will follow me, and I will lead you through a world of pain where dead souls writhe in endless agony and clamor, as they cry, to die again" (Canto I, p. 24).

Dante is led through nine circles of hell—various compartments and levels of torturous afterlife. He writes about what he envisions: "So in the ditch, far down below the arch on which we stood, there bubbled viscous pitch . . . I only saw the bubbles rise and burst, the huge mass heave, contract, heave, and contract repeatedly" (Canto XXI, pp. 189–190). He looks to see someone condemned to this level: "The sinner plunged into the pitch [and] they pricked the sinner with a hundred prongs" (Canto XXI, pp. 190–191). 

Dante sees souls locked in searing fiery tombs, people boiling in blood and rained on by fire. Malicious demons jab, poke, whip and beat those who are lost. These sinners are buried head first, but suffer even more misery as scorching flames burn their feet.

Nevertheless, this isn't the fate of all. Others are frozen in a lake up to their heads to suffer the agony of stinging, bitter cold—only able to move their chattering teeth.

Dante created stunning, unforgettable visual images that became etched into people's minds. He played on our worst fears. The gripping scenes he imagined captured the attention and horror of the world—we see this expounded in movies and other popular culture centuries later.

So effective was this one story about hell in its horrid depiction of Dante's ideas of punishment for the sinnerthat this poem, rather than the Bible, molded and shaped the thinking of the world. Don't forget, it was a time very different from today. There were no Bible bookstores, and there certainly wasn't a Bible in every home (the movable-type printing press wouldn't be invented for almost another century and a half).

No wonder people believed it to be true. Even though Dante's work barely has any reference to actual Bible passages, it became the benchmark of what people would believe about the afterlife. The Catholic Encyclopedia even calls it "the Sacred Poem." Dante's Inferno seemingly became the standard of what hell is like and who would go there.

But the story is fiction!

It's important to remember, though, that the Inferno is fiction—fantasy and imagination! It's a made-up story—it's pretend, with no factual evidence! This poem is not literal. It's not even close to a factual interpretation of the Bible's teachings regarding hell! What it describes is not at all what Jesus taught about the fate of sinners!

Dante wrote The Divine Comedy as an allegory, an imaginary poem. It reflects the politics and history of the Italy of his day.

However, that didn't change the incredible impact it had on people's ideas of what hell must be like. It stirred up and reinforced the belief that there must be blistering punishment for the incorrigibly wicked in an ever-burning hell.

Sadly, many have come to believe Dante's descriptions are more or less accurate. Yet they are not!

This may be shocking but, according to the Bible, there is no hell as commonly conceived. The kind of hell most people believe in is not real, nor is it referenced in the Bible. I hope you will not misunderstand: The Bible does teach that there will come a judgment for every human being, but it does not teach that any judgment will end in eternal fiery torment.

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ," the apostle Paul wrote, "that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad" (2 Corinthians 5:10).

So what exactly is the ultimate punishment for unrepentant sinners?

Many ideas are floating around out there. The Barna Research Group reported: "While there is no dominant view of Hell, two particular perspectives are popular [in the U.S.]. Four out of ten adults believe that Hell is 'a state of eternal separation from God's presence' (39%) and one third (32%) says it is 'an actual place of torment and suffering where people's souls go after death.' A third perspective that one in eight adults believe is that 'Hell is just a symbol of an unknown bad outcome after death' (13%)" (, Oct. 21, 2003).

These are just a few of the many ideas about hell. Does the Bible teach that any of these ideas are accurate? No.

What the Bible actually teaches about hell

Notice this short but powerful scripture: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23, emphasis added throughout).   

Did you notice the contrast described in this verse? What do sinners earn? They earn death, not eternal life in hell. On the other hand, God's gift is eternal life through our Savior Christ Jesus. So God's plain teaching is "the wages of sin is death," not "eternal life in torment." Simple but true—yet so many are confused over this truth!

Notice how clearly Scripture describes this. God says: "Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine; the soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4). A few verses later, God repeats this, giving it emphasis: "The soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:20).

This is significant! It's a major difference between what God says and what so many people believe. God tells us that souls can die. The Bible plainly says that you don't automatically go on living forever as an immortal soul either in heaven or in hell!

Jesus himself taught, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).   

There is something significant in this famous verse that you may have missed. Jesus tells us that without His sacrifice, we die—we perish—we do not live forever in separation. To "perish" does not just mean to stop living, but to be destroyed, or "to come to nothing"—to cease to exist. In no way does it mean to have eternal life in torment.

You may not have realized that this is what Jesus taught. So take this challenge: Are you willing to be honest with yourself and look at the facts of the Bible and consider that your current understanding is in error?

Hellfire ends existence of the unrepentant

Here's another passage God inspired that you should review. It gives insight into the truth about hell:

"For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,' says the Lord of hosts, 'that will leave them neither root nor branch . . . You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,' says the Lord of hosts" (Malachi 4:1-3).

Will there be punishment for the wicked? Yes. Is it an ever-burning hellfire? No. As their punishment, evildoers will quickly burn, not in eternal torture but in a merciful, quick penalty. Unrepentant sinful people will not be tormented forever. Instead, they will be totally burned up—destroyed and reduced to ashes.

That may sound surprising to you. But that's what the Bible teaches! Those who willingly and willfully reject God's way of life will simply cease to exist; they will not suffer forever.

Yes, the Bible does say that those who choose not to repent of their evil attitude and sin will be punished by fire—but not the mythical hell of human imagination. The Bible shows that God is a God of mercy and love. The wicked will be consumed by fire once, quickly, and then forgotten. They will not be tortured for all eternity. They will receive their eternal punishment (they will cease to exist), but not eternal punishing. Again, their death, their eternal punishment, will last forever, but not the punishing.

So God is indeed the God of great mercy, wisdom and righteous judgment. You don't have to be bogged down with fabricated traditions. Instead, you can take comfort and be encouraged by what Jesus really taught in the pages of your Bible.

There is much more to consider on the subject of hell. The following section examines some specific questions to help you understand more deeply.

Understanding what Jesus teaches about hell

Someone might say to you: Wait a second, didn't Jesus teach about hell? What about Matthew 10:28? It says: "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

What is the hell to which Jesus referred? Jesus said people would not suffer everlasting torment. In our English language Bibles, hell in this case is translated from the Greek word gehenna, which refers to a valley just outside Jerusalem. Gehenna is derived from the Hebrew term Gai Hinnom, which means the Valley of Hinnom (Joshua 18:16).

This was what we today would refer to as the city dump—where garbage, trash and refuse were thrown and consumed in the fires that constantly burned there. The carcasses of dead animals—and the bodies of dead, despicable criminals—were also cast into gehenna for disposal. Jesus used this location and what took place there to help us understand the fate the unrepentant will suffer in the future—which, as we saw above, is to be burned up by fire.

God will destroy the wicked, but without proper historical understanding, many people draw incorrect conclusions and have misconceptions about this verse. If you lived in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, what would come to your mind when Jesus mentioned gehenna? You would naturally think of the "city dump" where trash and dead bodies were burned up.

Jesus uses gehenna to describe what the Bible elsewhere calls the lake of fire. God can destroy—annihilate—both the body and soul (physical conscious being rather than immortal soul) in this gehenna. When God destroys an incorrigible person in this gehenna, the resulting death is eternal.

And when are the wicked punished? When does this punishment take place? Does it happen immediately at death? Gehenna is the word Christ used to refer to what Revelation 20:10 and Revelation 20:14-15 call "the lake of fire." It brings "the second death"—permanent, eternal death. This is a reference to the final fate of the wicked. "The second death" means one receives the eternal death penalty, with no possibility of resurrection to eternal life! Those who have sealed their minds never to repent or surrender to Jesus Christ will be totally burned up—destroyed.  

Revelation 21:8 says, "But the cowardly . . . and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Ezekiel 18:4 says, "The soul who sins shall die"—again, the soul is not immortal.

So yes, there is coming a time when Jesus will make those who ultimately refuse to repent take personal responsibility for their actions, meaning for them the lake of fire or second death. But it will not be an eternity in agony!

Hope and mercy

There is hope: "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).  

There is no contradiction with God; He truly is a God of mercy and love. Those who willfully reject His way of life will be cast into a hellfire to be burned up. They will not suffer forever in hell or somehow be tortured for all eternity.

We can all be thankful for God's justice, His fairness and His plan of salvation through Christ!

Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.