Heaven and Hell

How can an all-loving God torture people forever? What happens to babies who aren't baptized? How can this be fair? If you have struggled with the notion of Heaven and Hell, you'll be relieved to know, this common notion is not biblical. When we let the Bible speak for itself, we find that God is consistent, fair, and loving.


Universal Salvation

Listen to this sermon to learn why "Universal Salvation" is not based on biblical truth, and that salvation is a conditional gift.
Media Production

The Moment You Die

What happens after death? Whatever you may think you know can be challenged from the one source that gives the real answer.
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Do I Have an Immortal Soul?

Does the Bible really say humans have souls that are released from the body at death? Discover the surprising answer!

Do You Have an Immortal Soul?

Many believe that they have an immortal soul - an essence that goes to either Heaven or Hell when they die? If you do have an immortal soul, what does that say about God? We'll answer these important question and…
A fire flame.

What Is Hell?

Most people are sure they will either go to heaven or hell when they die. But just what is hell anyway? And are these ideas based on the biblical truth about hell?

The Three Heavens and the Three Hells

Sermon in Kennewick, Washington. In scripture the words "heaven" and "hell" each can mean one of several different things. Understanding what the various references to "heaven" or "hell" are discussing to can clear up misunderstandings of the Bible and can…

Life After Death?

It appears that from the beginning, human beings have brought to light concepts of life and living and of death and dying that are contrary to the cumulative teachings of the Bible.

Do You Have an Immortal Soul?

Ideas about us going to heaven or hell hinge on belief in the immortal soul, which must go somewhere when the body dies. What does the Bible say about the existence of an immortal soul? Does this belief have a…
A young boy walking in a field of yellow flowers.

Do Children Go to Limbo When They Die?

No, when a child dies they simply await their day of resurrection like the rest of humanity who have died.
A sunset over a Muslim mosque.

Will Muslims Go to Hell?

God will judge Muslims and all people fairly, and the biblical teaching of the resurrections is the key to understanding how this will be accomplished.