God's Holy Days

"These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times" (Leviticus 23:4).

Is it possible to know what the future holds? The Creator of mankind has an incredible plan for us, and He reveals it through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures.


Be A Witness

We are called to be witnesses of God's way of life.
Sunset to Sunset - God‘s Sabbath Rest
Study Aid Issue - Bible Study Aids

Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest

Too many of us live at a frantic pace, trying desperately to stay on top of everything we need to get done. It's no wonder we feel out of touch with our spouses, our families and even our Creator. But...

Is Your Worship Wandering?

Is your worship wandering? We cannot afford to let our worship of Almighty God wander like the Israelites of old.


Power should be in a right perspective and used to serve the everlasting God, towards a higher purpose to be apart of the Kingdom of God. Power used incorrectly is useless.

Sign of the True Messiah

What is the sign of the true Messiah? Jesus Christ is acknowledged in name, but not everyone believes in the true Messiah of scripture.

Grieving the Holy Spirit

Life's greatest mistake is grieving the Holy Spirit. Have you ever really stopped to focus on how serious that is?


We have to remove sin. We need to take action and leave the areas of our lives that are offensive to God. We are given such a great and precious promise so that we can escape all the lust and…

Seven Lessons Learned from Removing Leaven

This spring festival season can make a difference in our lives. We need to prepare our hearts to seek God with all of our heart. God will hear, God will see, and God will respond just as He did for…

See the Kingdom in the Feast

The only hope for our war-torn world is the Kingdom of God. God's fall Holy Days signify this coming time of peace and unity. While at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is important to truly picture the joyful time it…
Media Production

Easter, Idols and God

Discover how Easter is filled with ancient idolatrous practices which have nothing to do with worship of the Eternal God.