God's Holy Days

"These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times" (Leviticus 23:4).

Is it possible to know what the future holds? The Creator of mankind has an incredible plan for us, and He reveals it through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures.

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God’s Holy Day Plan

The observance of God’s festivals provides the key to understanding His astounding plan for the salvation of all humanity.
Bible Bible Study Course Lesson 12

Bible Study Course Lesson 12

God's Festivals—Keys to Humanity's Future
Sunrays over a mountain and a lake.

Do You Know About the Holy Days Jesus Kept?

Did you realize that the Bible contains exciting knowledge that is rarely noticed? It has everything to do with God’s marvelous plan for humanity revealed through the biblical festivals that Jesus Christ Himself observed.
Wheat in a field.

The Bible’s Prophetic Festivals

God gave seven annual festivals that present the work of Jesus Christ in saving humanity. It’s vital that all of us learn of them and what they teach.

How are God the Father and Jesus the Son One?

This message focuses on the "oneness" of God the Father and Jesus Christ, and what lessons can we draw from the their perfect example. We are challenged to continue grow in harmony, love, unity, and closeness - fellowshipping together as…

Prepare Now for the Day of Heavy Lifting

Given of the seventh and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, this message describes a time of intense preparation for momentous events that will transpire during and at the end of the Millennium. However, preparation for that time begins…

Being Purveyors of God's Perfect Peace

What is the hallmark of being a Christian? What will be the hallmark of the Millennium? One of the primary characteristics will be peace - the peace of God. This world does not know peace. What are we to do…

In Difference Become One

The Christian walk is all about relationships. Relationships can be challenging. The closer the relationship, the more challenging the relationship can be. Can we love one another? Relationships can prepare us for eternity as we learn to relate to others…

Four Stages of Your Life

In this message, four stages of our lives are described - focusing on the relationship between Satan's world, our past conduct with a carnal mind, our conduct today with a spiritual mind, and the status we will have in the…

Out of Darkness Into Light

The Feast of Tabernacles represents a 1,000 year period in which Jesus Christ will reign as King on this earth. What will our role be in the Millennium and what should we be doing in preparation now? This message discusses…