
"...that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world..." (Philippians 2:15).

As Christians, we are expected to shine as lights in a darkened world, setting an example for those inside and outside the faith. Our character must be refined until it stands out to all who come in contact with us.


How Good and How Pleasant

What are some of the outcomes of unity and how can we achieve unity?

Beware of Satan's Devices to Destroy Us

Why do we need to put on the Armor of God and what are some of those fiery darts that Satan throws at us to try to keep us out of the Kingdom of God?

Is Yours a Repentant Heart?

Where do you stand in your relationship with God and Jesus Christ?

Overcoming Hate

The sin of hatred is a heart ailment that can be cured by applying godly love in your life.

Wear the Christian Uniform

God has issued us His uniform for us to wear. It's the Armor of God - it is the uniform we need to wear as Christians.

Let Patience Grow

Let's take a closer look at what at first might seem to just be a simple word - patience. However, we'll see that this medium-sized word is a very large-sized addition to our Christian lives.


In your life you're going to experience a paradox of good times and bad times. Your happiness is important to God in all of this and that's why you must learn happiness.

Is Your Hand Still on the Plow?

Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?

I'll Walk With God

God will be with you if you are walking in His ways. Wherever you go, don't walk by yourself, walk with God.

I Serve With Heroes

Do you serve with heroes? We should be each other's heroes. And one day we should be able to stand before our God and say that we stood with one another in the great battle as Christian soldiers and we…