
"...that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world..." (Philippians 2:15).

As Christians, we are expected to shine as lights in a darkened world, setting an example for those inside and outside the faith. Our character must be refined until it stands out to all who come in contact with us.


What is True Holiness?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question – what does it mean to be holy?

You Are What You Think

Our sinful thoughts are still sin. Sin in the form of thoughts still requires the death of Jesus Christ, because we can sin in our own heart, in our mind, in our thoughts. Most people ignore their thoughts, thinking that…

A Positive Provocation

How do we as Christians bring about a positive provocation? And what should be the result of a positive provocation?

The Elect of God

Many are called, but not all that are called are chosen. The elect of God are called on a mission. Are you fulfilling your mission?

What Is Character?

Godly character involves having Him write his law in our hearts and minds and then setting out to be a doer of his word? Have you put the development of character at the top of your " to do "…

Are You a Principle-Centered Person?

There is a difference between being principle-centered and church-centered. Just showing up to church every week doesn’t prove that you are dedicated to God’s way. There are at least four ways to identify a principle-centered person. Are you principle-centered?

Sober Mindedness

Our society has put men under siege. How can we learn to value young men?

Are You Playing Church?

The goal of the Church is not merely to help the youth to have fun, strengthen relationships, and become good people. The goal of the Church is to help you become disciples of Jesus Christ. Let’s go through the steps…

A Chosen One

God is very much aware of what goes on. He's very much aware of our needs, our hurts, our disappointments, and everything else. He's able to give us the courage and the strength to be victorious.

Count Your Blessings

People’s hearts often turn to God when they are in trouble, and yet less often when things are going well. We need to count our blessings, not only at Thanksgiving, but every day of the year.