Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

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When was the last time we took a good long look in the mirror?

How you see yourself plays a large role in determining how others see you. There are, however, two sides to this mirror. True, if we see ourselves as people of some value and worth, we will dress, walk and act the part. But there is always the danger that we will begin to see ourselves as the “fairest of them all”—because then we could be headed for a fall. Do we look into the mirror to see what we want to see or to find the truth?

Our self-image can do much to make or break our relationships with others. Do we see ourselves as failures—or as honest people of integrity who deserve respect? There is a value to good self-esteem, and there is a value to taking an honest look into the mirror. Likewise, the ultimate mirror—God’s law (James 1:22-25)—can show us how to be better than we are. Will we let it?


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