Daily Duty

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The scouts are admonished to do a good deed every day.

It is a good habit to seek to find a task for which there is no payment, only the satisfaction from easing the life of one other person just a little. Telling a loved one we love them, showing a kindness to a stranger, smile when you may feel blue, think a noble thought, follow truth, talk with your Creator and keep your heart fit and ready for when He calls. These are noble tasks that should make up our day.

Jesus spoke of a successful man who worked hard and did everything right. He failed to include the kind of tasks that would be pleasing to God. When he finally thought he could find time for God, there was no time left. Jesus called him a fool because that night his life would be over, and he had left out the most important thing of all—preparation to meet His Maker (Luke 12:20). Let our daily duty be complete with that which builds toward eternity. Be rich toward God before worrying about being rich for yourself.

Ambassador grad 1970. Pastor in Canada and Germany retired in 2017. On the Council of UCG-Canada and COE of UCGIA. Wife Valerie is British. Four adult children, 14 grandchildren and 7 great.


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