Teen Bible Study Volume 2: Discovering Biblical Truth

Course Content

What truths does the Bible reveal? How does God want us to follow him?

Lesson Content

One of the most cherished of traditional Christian beliefs is that at death the righteous go to their reward in heaven. Is this belief upheld by the scriptures?
One of the most misunderstood topics today is the idea of hell. Where do sinners go when they die? What does the Bible say about it?
When we are in a tough spot, when we don't know what to do next, the Bible tells us that we are able to pray and ask God for help. We can pray confidently. We have the right to come boldly before God in prayer to ask for forgiveness, advice and support which is not available anywhere else.
If you have been to church for even a short time, you've probably heard the minister emphasize Bible study. But is Bible study really important for you, a young man or woman in the teen years? Isn't attending church services every week enough?
Theological terms are sometimes difficult to understand because they are not used outside of religious discussion. "Repentance" falls into that category.
Jesus commanded His servants to "make disciples of all the nations". But what is a disciple? Have you ever asked yourself what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? What exactly would that involve?
The word Gospel means "good news." It is God's plan for mankind. What the world needs is a lot of good news rather than the bad news of tragedy, disease, unrest, conflicts, pain and sorrows. The irony of our world is that even though there are plenty of exciting new technological marvels, world peace seems far from a reality in our lifetime.
In order to help us in our calling, God has given us a handful of powerful tools-prayer, Bible study, meditation and fasting. To the world, these tools don't seem very effective, but in the hands of God working in a Christian's life they are extremely effective. Much has been written about the first three tools, but what do you know about fasting?
Have you ever wondered why you are alive? Many people don’t really take the time to ask the hard questions about life and death.