Teen Bible Study Guides

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Many parents desire ideas for use in their in-home "Family Bible Studies for Teens". With this in mind, here are some ideas put together by parents, ministers and their wives, and younger adults, many of whom grew up in God's Church. As you know, God has blessed and entrusted the parents as the primary teachers and examples in the life of their teens and God will bless their efforts as they look to Him for inspiration (Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Proverbs 22:6). This is not intended to be an all-inclusive or official list but as a means for sharing some ideas that have proven effective by others. As a family, what a blessing it is to learn about the Eternal God through the study of His written Word!

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In this study we will cover basic religious truths.

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What truths does the Bible reveal? How does God want us to follow him?

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In this Teen Bible Study Guide, we will seek to better understand the ten commandments, because they are crucial to our choices and can change the entire course of our lives.

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In this Teen Bible Study Guide, we’ll discuss the origins of popular holidays and examine what God says about them.

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What is the best way to live your life? In this Teen Bible Study Guide, we’ll discuss what God says about important issues that effect your personal life.

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What does God think about current social issues? In this Teen Bible Study Guide, we’ll discuss what God says about important issues that effect our society.

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