What is the Purpose of Life?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


The Greatest Purpose Ever

Today we are going to talk about the greatest purpose ever that a man could ever dream of. There have been very laudable ideas and purposes dreamed by man. Most of it has to do with what is going to…

Zeal for God's Work

Satan, the devil, has done a very good job in blinding the minds of people to the purpose of God and truly why we are alive. What is the purpose for life?
A woman sitting watching the sunset.

The Greatest Love Story

God is creating a family—His own divine family. And as the great loving God that He is, He wants to see you and me and every human being be a part of that family and share in that great future...
A man walking on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Does God Have A Plan For My Life?

One of the top verses searched for on the Internet is Jeremiah 29:11. Why?
Media Production

Why Were You Born?

This query has baffled people throughout history. Yet the Bible gives the awesome answer. Learn God’s amazing purpose for you!
A person reaching their hands up into the night sky.

The Search for Life

Over recent decades mankind has spent billions of dollars and untold hours searching for life outside of planet Earth. What’s driving this desperate search? What do we hope to find? And do we understand what we’re really looking for?
Media Production

Shocking Teachings of Jesus: You Are Gods

Why did Christ teach this? Discover how it has everything to do with your astounding future potential.
A silhouette of young woman with the sun setting in the background.

Who Are You?

It has been said that we all have three characters that define who we are.
A woman looking outside of window of tall building.

Can God Forgive Me If I Take My Own Life?

If you are reading this and contemplating taking your own life—please contact the suicide helpline at 1-800-273-8255. God's desire is for you to live.
A young man looking up at the night sky.

How Can I Know That God Really Cares About Me?

Scripture is abundantly clear that the heavenly, Creator God of the universe cares intimately for the one who looks to Him.