Teen Bible Study

"Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12).

Those young men and women looking to fulfill the Biblical command to be lights in a dark world regardless of our respective ages will find material to aid them here.


Strengthening Relationships Through the 10 Commandments

Discover how God's law helps us to improve our relationships.

Does Your VCR Flash 12:00

Living a good life requires reading the proper instruction manual.

Are You Playing Church?

The goal of the Church is not merely to help the youth to have fun, strengthen relationships, and become good people. The goal of the Church is to help you become disciples of Jesus Christ. Let’s go through the steps…

Be an Example

A message directed to the teens and pre-teens using the example of Timothy and the apostle Paul. Teens face immense peer pressure when God wants us not to fit in. This message asks us to be an example in our…
Free Bible Study Materials for Homeschooling Families

Free Bible Study Materials for Homeschooling Families

The Bible and the Brain

The Bible and the Brain

You can read your way to a better working brain—and build moral character at the same time.
Prove the Bible Is True - the Easy Way!

Prove the Bible Is True - the Easy Way!

The Bible is in the crosshairs at school and in the media. Can you be sure it's inspired?

Feast of Tabernacles

God intends for all people to come to Him, to happily worship Him, and to choose to live by His way of life. We don't see that today, so how will God accomplish His desire? The seven feasts He gave...

Day of Atonement

In this Teen Bible Study Guide, you'll learn about the Day of Atonement.

Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets is not well known in the Christian community, but it has great significance in the plan of God. In this Teen Bible Study Guide you'll see why it is so important to mankind.