
One of the great lies of Satan the devil is that we are worthless. Many hurtful and destructive choices come from a false belief that we do not have intrinsic value, or are damaged beyond repair. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our potential is so great that Jesus Christ gave his life so that we could be cleansed from dead works, and set on a path to eternal life and perfect love.


Finding Our Self-Worth

How are Christians supposed to feel about themselves? What is our sense of self worth and where does it come from? What should a Christian’s self-esteem level be?

The Characteristic of Humility

Humility is a rare quality today in a world of self-absorbed individuals. Let's us talk about the importance of humility today and see our own limitations.
Families at a park.

Current Events & Trends

A new study in the United Kingdom shows that children whose parents are married have the highest self-esteem.

Do You Struggle With Self-Worth?

God is where we get our true value from.
Are You Painfully Shy?

Are You Painfully Shy?

When I was a teen and young adult, I was plagued with shyness. I was so shy that I wouldn't speak to anyone.
Micro Messaging and Us

Micro Messaging and Us

What messages are we knowingly or unwittingly sending that can hurt others?
A Student's Look as Gifts and Talents

A Student's Look at Gifts and Talents

A little girl sitting on a concrete step.

Our Wounded Children

Many children today are in constant danger due to neglect, warfare, disease and starvation. So many have little regard for the most vulnerable among us. But there is hope for the future in the sure promises of God.
woman walking away

Do You Ever Feel Like You Don't Belong?

cotton balls

Vertical News

A dangerous diet fad affecting young people.