
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1).



What does it mean to believe?

Learning to Trust God

In this sermon, we are going to take a look at what it means to learn to trust in God and show that trusting in God is a little different than having faith in God.

Is Yours a Repentant Heart?

Where do you stand in your relationship with God and Jesus Christ?

Do You Have a Sense of Urgency?

We need to have a sense of urgency about preaching the gospel, about being zealous about our own spiritual state and our readiness for the return of Jesus Christ.

Faith, Hope and Charity

Faith, hope, and charity are absolute foundational needs of a Christian if we're going to be in God's Kingdom.

The Roman Turtle

A Christian's absolute faith in God can stop and extinguish the flaming arrows that Satan the devil shoots at us.

Buy of Me Gold Tried in the Fire

Do you value the Kingdom of God? Are you prepared to pay the price now? Can you make that type of commitment? Can you show that your commitment is genuine?

Is Your Hand Still on the Plow?

Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?

Fiery Trials & Testing of Our Faith

Trials test our faith.

God's Sovereignty in the Church and Our Personal Lives

Who is the leader of God's Church and who is leader in our personal lives?