Enduring Trials

How can you deal with the trials in your life? Is there any hope or help for trials that do not seem to end? These articles below will help give some insight on the need to rely on God as trials come your way.


God's Sovereignty in the Church and Our Personal Lives

Who is the leader of God's Church and who is leader in our personal lives?

Jesus Christ

Who is the head of the Church? What can this Church expect to face in the future?

He Who Endures To the End Will Be Saved

Will you be among those who are among the faithful, who remain steadfast until Christ's return? We need to be able to endure the hardships and stresses that come along, and not be distracted from pursuing the vision of the…

Remain Standing Till the End

All those called of God now have a command from Jesus Christ to endure to the end to inherit salvation. (Matt. 24:13) What did He mean? What must we endure before the end? Our eternal salvation depends on truly understanding…

Grow in Patience

We must take a long breath before we speak or act so as to be good ambassadors of God trying to maintain a loving relationship with others

Our Understanding of the Place of Safety

This is a synopsis of this material as a refresher for those who have previously studied the subject. And for those who aren’t very familiar with the subject; Hopefully today we’ll cover the key scriptures to give a good understanding…

Will You Endure the Storm?

As we see a storm approaching us, we can move out of its path if needed. But, we are unable to flee from the world that is around us. We must endure the "storms" this world throws at us.

What Kind of Faith Endures Fiery Trials?

This sermon details powerful biblical principles for faithfully enduring fiery trials. An actual life and death situation is cited from the pages of scripture for our edification.

Having Hope in God When Trouble or Difficulty Is Upon Us

Sometimes we can feel we are surrounded by an insurmountable wall of problems and difficulties and there is no solution or help. It may seem God has deserted us. It is at this time we need to focus on the…
A man watching the waves on a lake.

Come Unto Me and I Will Give You Rest!

At life's toughest moments—when we're in the fire—we can take comfort knowing God is with us and can take care of our burdens.