
Bitterness is the harboring of resentment against a person or a situation, and although it often starts small, it has far-reaching consequences. “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice” (Ephesians 4:31).


Beware of Satan's Devices to Destroy Us

Why do we need to put on the Armor of God and what are some of those fiery darts that Satan throws at us to try to keep us out of the Kingdom of God?


Why human beings are so easily trapped by Satan's deceptions. Weare also going to look at a very difficult concept of how all of us are involved in a type of deception that has deceived us without us even knowing…
An upclose photo of a woman's face.

Robbed of Bitterness

There are many times in life when we could become bitter.

The Root that Kills.

In Hebrews 12:15 we're told, NIV "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Here the author uses the term "bitter root" as a…

Selling Our Birthright

Is there anything that we are doing that is jeopardizing our birthright (Eternal Life?) What is the root of bitterness and how could we develop it? Hebrews 12:14-17

Bitterness, the Herb that Kills.

Bitterness has been linked to many physical and psychological illnesses. In today's sermon we'll discuss the meaning of bitterness, what are some symptoms of bitterness, what are some causes, and finally what must we do if we are bitter.Join us…

Overcoming Anger and Bitterness

Mark Vincen speaks about how anger and bitterness can take a hold on our lives. He gives 7 spiritual solutions to seeking a life of peace.

How Does a Root of Bitterness Develop in a Person?

What is the tool that Satan uses called bitterness, and how can we avoid the effects that it can have upon us?

Bitterness vs. Loyalty Part 2

Last time we looked at 3 examples of Bible personalities that displayed bitterness, Esau, Asa, and Saul. This week let's look at 4 examples of people who displayed loyalty in the most critical moments in their lives and lessons for…

Bitterness vs. Loyalty

Do we try to hit the ball or let it go by? Our struggles often lead to roots of bitterness. How can we avoid this? We have to grow a loyalty to God.