
Atheism can refer to the absence of belief in God, or to the conviction that there is no God.

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Age of Disbelief

We live in an age of disbelief, and it is permeating many aspects of our culture, particularly our academic institutions.
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The Rise of Atheism

The biggest religion in America today is atheism. What effect is this having on our society?

New Proofs of God's Existence

What are the four world views that explain the existence of God? There have been recent discoveries by the scientific community to affirm that God exists. Still, other scientists will refute and deny these new findings to remain steadfast with…
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The End of Atheism

The Bible predicts a coming time of such religious deception that influential leaders will turn many atheists into believers.
Photo of Dr. Anthony Flew

Answers From a Famous Ex-Atheist About God

When you’ve devoted a lifetime to arguing against the existence of a divine Creator, it can be hard to admit you were wrong. So what compelled one of the world’s leading atheists to do just that?
 Is There a Biblical Economics? Part One

Is There a Biblical Economics? Part One

Are you challenging yourself to "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ?" (Colossians 2:8)
Friedrich Nietzsche

Atheism is Dead - God

What is the attraction of atheism, and why has is become so evangelistic? Are we missing something, or is the atheist philosophy missing something?
How Naturalism—Rejection of God—Holds Humanity Captive

How Naturalism Rejection of God Holds Humanity Captive

Naturalism—disbelief in anything beyond the natural world around us—is a subtle way to reeducate people, freeing them from feeling guilty over sin by substituting immorality or amorality for godly morality.

The Grand Design of Stephen Hawking's Universe

In his wildly popular book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking talked of understanding the mind of God. His new book sees God as unnecessary.

Number One

Who’s in the number one spot of your life?