Agape Love

In the New Testament, our English word for “love” is used in the place of four different Greek words: Philia (brotherly love), Eros (passionate love), Storge (parental love) and Agape (selfless love.) Agape is the love that God has for humanity, and that Christians should aspire to have for God and all people.


God's Great Promises

God makes certain great promises, and they are great promises, and we're going to see that God is someone you can absolutely, completely, trust and rely upon to keep His word.

We Need Godly Love

Love is the very nature of God. Love motivates Him. In fact, God is love. How can we make sure we keep ourselves in the love of God?

Avoiding the Anger that Kills

How does wrongful anger affect and influence our lives? How do we avoid the anger of the world? What does the Bible teach about dealing with anger?

A Heart Toward Prophecy

I Corinthians 13 states that without love, the gift of prophecy is of no value. Let’s learn how to handle God’s prophetic revelation with love, by studying the efforts of Jonah.

Your Brothers Keeper

Do we truly care for one another as ought to with the agape love that God wants us to have?

Love Thinks No Evil

Our minds are designed to focus and recall the things we spend the most time thinking about. God a character of agape love does not keep a record of wrongs, and meditates on what is good, transforming our life.

Love Is Not Provoked

Is there such a thing as righteous anger? Not being provoked does not mean you don’t get angry.

Love Is Not Selfish

Four ways to help develop the unselfishness of agape love. Part 7 of the agape love series.

Love Does Not Boast and Is Not Proud

Boasting and pride are related attributes, both of which Paul specifically mentions in his famous exhortation of agape love in 1 Corinthians 13. Part five of the agape love series.

Love Does Not Envy

1 Corinthians 13 says that agape love does not envy. This sermon brings out three strategies for combatting envy in our lives. Part four of the agape love series.