2021 Feast of Tabernacles

Surrey, British Columbia
The city of Surrey became the temporary dwelling place for 35 Feastgoers in British Columbia, Canada; the place where God put His name and which became a refuge for those put out when COVID-19 restrictions closed down their assigned Feast site in Osoyoos.

Surrey became the place that 35people now remember as nothing less than simply delightful. 

Surrey is a distinct municipal jurisdiction within the greater Vancouver area, serving half a million residents and boasting a picturesque Pacific coastline. It’s located in a different health authority than Osoyoos, and so it did not have the same mandates that would have prevented brethren from singing and socializing outside of services—something nearly impossible to ask of rejoicing brethren! 

Surrey effectively became a regional or satellite site, as this year—like last year—we were not joined by any international brethren. And when Osoyoos had to be canceled, we lost almost all the brethren from other parts of Canada. So, by ourselves and one family from Ontario, we did as commanded—we rejoiced, and we became a family. 

Many made it out for mini golf, a seaside lunch and fellowship, shopping and other personal sightseeing adventures, plus many evening dinners and get-togethers were enjoyed. Some, as well, housed together—making for many close and long-lasting friendships in Christ. 

This was also an occasion in which the brethren here could see John Elliott, who has been their pastor for five and a half years. John and Merrie had been stranded on the U.S. side of the border and separated from their flock since the pandemic began. Everyone was so thankful border restrictions eased late this summer and they were able to make their way around to see everyone one last time before retirement. John and Merrie were also able to enjoy part of the Feast together with them just after the close of their pastoral service since John retired on Sept. 15. 

This is the second year that British Columbia has been seriously impacted as far as keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. Join with us in praying for a return, next year, to open and free travel and the ability to rejoice with brethren around the world, at every Feast site, in celebration of the glorious day when our Lord dwells on earth and peace is finally established.