2021 Feast of Tabernacles

New Zealand
The Feast of Tabernacles in New Zealand this year was unique in many ways.

After plans for services and activities for the Feast celebration were in place at the beautiful seaside resort community of Paihia, the country went into lockdown and the plans had to be canceled. With no way to gather for services in-person, God’s Feast of Tabernacles in New Zealand went virtual this year with an estimated 55 local attendees.  

Even though most members could not meet in person, they still had a good Feast. Here are just a few excerpts of comments from the members:  

• “Our Feast was really special in a different way. We were able to connect and interact with an even larger group than usual and we also learned new ways of connecting by sending and receiving gifts. Two in our group even got engaged after services on Sept. 21. God has commanded us to rejoice and that is exactly what we intended to do.” 

• “I think it turned out to be a good Feast. Perhaps less focus on going away and activities helped us focus more on the messages about God’s Kingdom.”  

• “It was encouraging that members were able to keep in touch using the technology of today. Despite members not being able to gather, the quality of the sermons delivered was, in my opinion, above average, with substance in the messages. We are coming closer to the return of Jesus to establish His Kingdom here on earth every day.”   

• “The sermons were well presented through the Internet from Melbourne and Brisbane. With the technology today we can receive the messages in the same way as if we were at the Feast.” 

• “We were able to celebrate the Feast at our home and were able to receive all the messages online as though we were at the actual Feast site.” 

• “Elders from Melbourne contributed with sermonettes and sermons. There was a fine selection of subjects, which covered what lies ahead under Christ’s rule and the harvest that will occur.” 

• “While we stepped back from congregational worship and fellowship, the members connected via the Internet. This media gave rise to member participation in Zoom chats and workshops. Also, there were activities for the children and teens. The effect of that was that we met via the screen or by words and pictures. We were able to fellowship with many brethren in Australia and New Zealand.”  

• “Locally here in New Zealand, where possible there would be get-togethers, phone calls and greetings by email. We can be thankful we received a fine benefit from all the sermons and activities during the Feast of Tabernacles, and Last Great Day, and celebrated the coming of the rule of Jesus Christ over all nations on the earth.” 

Even though the members could not all be together, it was a joyous celebration as all around the world, we look forward to His joyous Kingdom.