2020 Feast of Tabernacles

We held services each day and four Bible studies throughout the week. Several ministers were recruited to speak to the brethren. Though we could not meet in person, the spiritual nourishment from our ministers was bountiful, leaving us edified and inspired

First of all, we are greatly thankful to our loving Father—our Creator God—for His wonderful blessing of the opportunity to be together to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day (the Last Great Day). Although we did not have the chance to meet in person due to COVID-19, we thank God for the technology that brought us together online. We had clear connections in both video and audio, with eight connections total: two from Sakhangyi (Myanmar), three from Yangon (Myanmar), two from Singapore and one from the UK. Though we live far apart, times were adjustable for everyone’s convenience. We also had our dear friend David Bensinger, who gave one sermon and two Bible studies. There were at least 30 participants for each service. We would have had more, but a limited number of people have cell phones. We held services each day and four Bible studies throughout the week.

Several ministers were recruited to speak to the brethren. Though we could not meet in person, the spiritual nourishment from our ministers was bountiful, leaving us edified and inspired. Topics such as temporary dwellings, the Kingdom of God, the four horsemen and seven seals of Revelation 6, salvation and redemption, healing and fruitfulness were covered.

On the seventh day David Bensinger joined us live online to give a sermon even though it was midnight where he was. We were very thankful to him for his time, vigilance and perseverance. The title of his sermon was, “Lessons From Nehemiah.” We learned many good examples from Nehemiah that we should imitate, including the importance of prayer and fasting. As true Christians, we should devote time to prayer and fasting when necessary.

On the Eighth Day we listened to a sermon titled “No Man Left Behind” by Peter Eddington. God will one day build His family and will bring His sons and daughters into His family—no one will be forgotten or left behind. All the sermons we heard gave us new knowledge, understanding and edification. For this we are thankful to our ministers for their kindness and support and we all pray that God will look after and bless our ministers all around the globe in their mission of preaching and proclaiming the soon-coming Kingdom of God.

We enjoyed the opportunity to fellowship online together after each service. We pray that if it is God’s will, all things will be in better condition in the near future so that we will be able to meet in person for all God’s Holy Days and Festivals.