United News: September - October 2020

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In this issue of United News, you can find an analysis of the congregational survey by Julie Brown and a news report on the beginning of the Ambassador Bible College school year. Further into the issue is the Treasurer's Report by Rick Shabi and the Council Letter by Darris McNeely. Media updates are located on page 5 and church news on page 6.

The Good News in United News includes an article on serving at the Feast of Tabernacles written by Council Chairman Len Martin, an article about plans for the Feast of Tabernacles changing this year, and an article by Katherine Rowland titled, "Beware of Contempt." This issue's coworker's article is written by Craig Scott and covers how to worship God. 

After an article on blood donation and a report on the recent Boundary Waters Adventure , you can find Festival announcements on pages 13-14. Announcements can be found on page 15, and as always, the Beyond Today airing schedule and Planned Giving article can be found on the back page of the issue.

Thank you for your continued support of this publication.Please email un@ucg.org to submit articles, questions or feedback. 

Table of Contents

Empathy in Times of Crisis

Trials and suffering can cause different reactions in people. But how did Jesus Christ respond to suffering?

Women’s Enrichment Weekend Held in Isoka, Zambia

Women met and learned various skills, had enriching conversations and listened to seminars and messages pertinent to them.
You can create lifelong Feast memories with your family and brethren when you keep the Feast as God commands.
5 minutes
This year, many of our Feast plans are being upset by events we did not foresee coming. We must believe that God is working through all these...

Council Letter

The prophet Jeremiah once complained to God that people were not responding to his message. The wicked, instead of getting their due, prospered. People seemed to flourish in their unrighteous behavior. Their behavior taunted Jeremiah and he felt ineffective and...

Better Together: Cincinnati East Trip Replaces Canceled Teen Camps

We organized our trip much like a regular teen camp—starting with Compass Check every day, followed by field games, team challenges, Christian living, campfire and discussions.
Serving at the Feast really is a team effort. So why not join the team!
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How can we prepare ourselves now for the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ?

Elder’s Wives Continue Enriching Online Zoom Sessions

What began as simply the online version of the annual GCE Women’s Workshops has become a valued resource and opportunity for these women to continue connecting with and edifying one another beyond the GCE weekend.

Troyers Hollow Campout Bonds Brethren After Months Spent Apart

For many this was their first opportunity to visit and fellowship with one another since the beginning of the pandemic in March.
Photo of a sign, pointing to a donation center, saying "Donate Blood Today."
7 minutes
Many of us donate to charities to help those who are sick or in unfortunate circumstances. Donating blood is a free way to help those who are sick and...

A New Face at the Home Office

Duncan McClenagan was recently hired as a junior web developer for the United Church of God.

Boundary Waters Adventure

Five staff members led a group of 13 young adults on a canoeing and camping adventure in the Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota.

Members and Elders Give Input Through UCG Survey

Once again, United Church of God, AIA has conducted a survey to solicit feedback from members, attendees and elders regarding UCG’s progress and needs, and the services UCG provides. The survey is administered to support the Council’s strategic planning process.

Online Bible Discussions Keep Teens Connected

In lieu of UYC summer camp, the camp team wanted to provide some Christian Living instruction and online fellowship for teens.

A Reflection on 15 Years of Feast Coordinating Blessings

The fall Feast of Tabernacles is the most anticipated time of the year for God’s Church. What goes into helping make the fall Feast experience the highlight of the year for God’s people?

Ambassador Bible College Begins the 2020-2021 Academic Year

On Sunday, Aug. 23, the Ambassador Bible College faculty and staff gathered with incoming students for the annual ABC Welcome Picnic.

New Jelly Video Released in September: “Jelly Learns There’s Nothing That God Can’t Do.”

A new Jelly production is underway, recorded by the media team in July in the Beyond Today television studio sound stage.
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One of the keys to generational financial success is sharing financial principles and information within the family. How can we help our children when...

August Quarterly Council Meetings Held in Cincinnati

During the week of Aug. 17, the Council of Elders held their quarterly meeting at the home office.

Beyond Today TV Program Generates New High Response

We are very pleased to report that we have surpassed the previous response record for a Beyond Today program.

Resource Spotlight

Online testing has been available for the Church’s 12-lesson Bible Study Course for several months now.

Treasurer's Report

The Church’s fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

UCG.org Alexa Ranking at a High

We are pleased to report that UCG.org has broken into the top 10 list of worldwide Christian denomination websites again as reported by the Web-ranking company, Alexa.
Have you ever felt afraid of being rejected if you express your Christian beliefs in today’s landscape? You are in good company.
3 minutes
There is an old story that Jewish rabbis used to tell their students regarding the building of the temple. They stated that when the temple was built...