United News: May - June 2021

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In the May-June 2021 issue of United News, you'll find news about the international effort to translate booklets into Afrikaans as well as the annual ABC Charity Auction which was held online this year. Council Chairman Len Martin writes about peace in life in the Council letter, and Vic Kubik reflects on "Jesus' Prayer for Us Today" in the President's letter.

You can print off and cut out the Holy Day Calendar for the next decade, found on page 4. Featured on pages 5-6 are the announcements in this issue, and member Gary Howe tells his story of coming into the faith on page 6.

In the Good News section, page 7 features the second part of Don Hooser's two-part series on Romans 12:15, titled, "Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice." A special feature article titled, "A Mother's Path to Faith, After Her Children Lost Theirs" on pages 8-10 focuses on help and hope for parents of children who have grown up and chosen not to continue in the faith. The last part in a 3-article series on "The Ultimate Vision: Be Like Him" by John Miller can be found on page 11.

Media updates and a tribute article honoring Don Hooser upon his retirement from the paid ministry can be found on page 12, and an update on the state of brethren in Myanmar is featured on page 13. Local church updates can be found on pages 14-15. As always, the Beyond Today airing schedule and planned giving article are on the last page of this issue. 

Thank you for your continued support of this publication. Please email UN@ucg.org to submit articles, announcements, local church news, questions or feedback. 

Table of Contents

Are You a Graduating Senior? Do You Know Someone Who Is?

We are going to feature the class of 2021 in the July-August issue of United News!

Cincinnati Brethren Serve Community Through USDA Food Box Program

Milford, Ohio—“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10). So wrote the apostle Paul about what Christians ought to be doing. The Cincinnati congregations had...

Council Letter

When the disciples asked Jesus for a sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus spoke of deceptions, wars and rumors of wars; between nations as well as between ethnicities. Does this sound familiar?
3 minutes
As part of a planned giving tool, life insurance can allow people to provide financial support for the charities or institutions they are passionate...

Updates From Ministerial and Member Services

Below are updates from MMS about newly ordained or re-credentialed elders, as well as a new ministerial trainee.

President's Letter

This issue of United News will span the Day of Pentecost that occurs this year on Sunday, May 16. It was on this day that the spiritual Church of God was founded through a supernatural miracle! The promised Holy Spirit...

Extensive Print Advertising Campaign Proves Productive

More than 8,300 responses have been received and processed at the home office, with more arriving and being handled each day.

Honoring a Retiring Employee

The United Church of God is pleased to honor Don Hooser upon his retirement after 55 years of dedicated service to the Church. Mr. Hooser has pastored more than 17 congregations around the U.S.
Photo of a mother and young daughter walking down a dirt road in the countryside; the daughter is holding her mother's hand and looking up at her.
22 minutes
The news and my initial response left me feeling as though I had been knocked off my feet by a tsunami. Waves of stifling emotions washed over me. It...

The Church Around the Corner

In the next article of this series highlighting various members' stories of their calling, Gary L. Howe shares how he first began attending the "church around the corner" and thus began his walk as a member of the body of...

International Team Translates UCG Booklets Into Afrikaans

South Africa, with a population of about 60 million people, has 11 official languages! Afrikaans is spoken as a first or second language by only approximately 17 million. So why translate UCG booklets into Afrikaans—a language spoken by so relatively...
Group of three girl friends sitting together, smiling and enjoying each other's company.
7 minutes
“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).

ABC Charity Fun Show Supports Church Buildings in Ghana

The Ambassador Bible College Charity Fun Show on March 7, 2021 raised approximately $12,000 to support completion of two buildings for UCG congregations in Ghana, providing meeting space for Sabbath services and also serving as public community centers. The Fun...
God the Creator came from heaven and dwelt among men to give us an earthly image [example] of what it looks like to bear the image [example] of the heavenly.
6 minutes
Bearing the image of a man that is heavenly seems at first impossible, if not audacious. How does one come to be heavenly?