United News: May - June 2013

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Table of Contents

General Conference of Elders 2013-Edifying the Body Through Spiritual Gifts

Elders meet to ballot on strategic plan and budget, attend workshops on the theme of “Edifying the Body Through Spiritual Gifts.”

Mark Mickelson’s Adventures in West and Central Africa

There are five countries in West and Central Africa where UCG has French-speaking congregations: Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Where the congregations are today is an interesting story and clearly shows God’s hand...

Victor Kubik Named as Next President

Former head of Ministerial and Member Services took office immediately.
Six things to remember when you apologize.
3 minutes
In conflicts, apologizing when you've done wrong can go a long way in making things better.

GCE 2013

Scott Ashley addressed the GCE, giving a keynote examining spiritual gifts and their use from the Bible.
"Let This Mind Be in You." What Mind?
5 minutes
The apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians about having another person's mind. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2...

GCE 2013

Darris McNeely addressed the GCE with a second keynote
The Towel of Jesus Christ
7 minutes
Three things to remember in our quest to become more Christ-like, and to serve more as Christ serves.

GCE 2013

Victor Kubik’s plenary session held Monday during the GCE examined the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts it imparts.

Kingdom of God Seminars in Caribbean Draw Interest, Bear Fruit

Three Kingdom of God Bible Seminars were held in Jamaica and St. Lucia during the Holy Days.

Two Deacons Ordained in South Africa

An important milestone in the development of the United Church of God in South Africa was reached on the Sabbath, April 13, when two deacons were ordained in the Johannesburg church.

Jorge de Campos Visits Brethren, Preaches Gospel in Brazil

On Monday, March 18, I left Cincinnati for a pastoral visit to Brazil and Guyana.