United News: January - February 2023

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Welcome to the January-February 2023 issue of United News!

Included in this issue are a number of articles on spiritual topics, details of events hosted by local congregations, announcements from members and updates from around the world. President Rick Shabi presents the financial audit statements from the past fiscal year, along with a short summary statement. This section also introduces UCGIA's new treasurer and Financial Services operation manager, Barry Korthuis. Finally, this issue details upcoming opportunities: a service project idea, upcoming events and, as always, the Beyond Today airing schedule.

Thank you for your continued support of this publication. Please email UN@ucg.org to submit articles, announcements, local church news, questions or feedback.

Table of Contents

Good Works
4 minutes
The service provided by Good Works has been made possible by generous donations.
South Africa Camp
2 minutes
Summer camp was held in South Africa at Moolmanshoek Leadership Development Center.
A collection of supplies for surviving in cold weather.
2 minutes
Learn how you can assemble a "cold weather kit" to help unhoused individuals stay warm in the winter.
A presentation held during Winter Camp
1 minute
Winter Camp held a successful week in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
The Eiffel Tower
6 minutes
As a member of God’s Church, you have the opportunity to build your life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. But will your spiritual construction...
a woman reading to two children
4 minutes
How can we teach children about the Sabbath? Here are a few ideas parents shared for how families can make the Sabbath extra special.
Gerald Bilyeu, holding a magazine and an open magazine spread beside him.
3 minutes
Gerald Bilyeu, a member of the Portland, Oregon, congregation distributes excess Beyond Today magazines.
A calculator and a notepad
4 minutes
The external auditor’s report for the fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2022, is presented in its entirety in the January-February 2023 issue of...
Council of Elders members seated at a table for a meeting
1 minute
Council of Elders meetings were held at the home office in December 2022.

Virtual Pinewood Derby 2023 Registration Open!

The Virtual Pinewood Derby will be held on Sunday, Mar. 5 from 1-4 p.m. EST. Register today!
three women smiling
6 minutes
“Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with...
An open hymnal
7 minutes
Praise to God should create harmony, not discord, as well as respect for one another.
a group of people at summer camp in Chile
2 minutes
A successful summer camp program was held by Lake Rapel in Chile.