United News: January - February 2022

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Welcome to the January-February 2022 issue of United News! This issue features the 2021 Financial Audit Statements for United Church of God on pages 14-18. The front page also features updates from the new "Pray for the Gospel to Have Free Course" column, beginning on the front page. Local church news begins on page 2.

Brian Shaw writes about unity through speaking the truth in love in the Council Letter found on page 3. Announcements are featured on pages 4-6 and four open job positions can be found on page 7. 

The next article in the ongoing series in United News featuring the unique "calling stories" of longtime church members can be found on page 8.

Three articles in the Good News section are featured on pages 9-12. As always, the financial stewardship/planned giving article and the Beyond Today TV airing schedule are located on the back page of this issue. 

Thank you for your continued support of this publication. Please email UN@ucg.org to submit articles, announcements, local church news, questions or feedback. 

Table of Contents

ABC Magnetic Calendar

ABC has again created a magnetic yearly planner for 2022 featuring God’s Holy Days and Feasts.

Updates From Ministerial and Member Services

Bill Bradford, Jr., is now the pastor for both the Chicago (Illinois) and the Beloit (Wisconsin) congregations.

Roku App Advertising Results

We are running advertising campaigns on Roku devices in the U.S.A. based on impressions by the thousand, or CPM. A variety of designs and program graphics appear.

UCG Midwest Teen Prom

Save the date for the Midwest Teen Prom in 2022!

A Calling That Changed Many Lives

Since I was very young, I have been inspired by the stories from many individuals about how God miraculously worked in their lives.

Choosing Your Executor/Trustee

In recent planned giving articles in United News, we have suggested that having a Will or Trust will simplify the process of transferring what we have accumulated during our lives to our beneficiaries after our deaths in an orderly way...

Upcoming ABC Events in 2022

Save these dates! More information will be posted as the dates get closer and details are finalized.

Wisconsin Congregation Holds Congratulation Ceremony for New U.S. Citizen and Family

Baw Htoo’s new U.S. citizenship, as told by Baw Htoo and his family: “In 1998, we left Burma [now called Myanmar] as Burma’s civil war struck our village.

Audited Financial Statements 2020-2021

The external auditor’s report for the fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2021, is presented in its entirety in the January-February 2022 issue of United News. The pages are also available under "Downloads" on this page.
You can’t control people, but you can love them.
10 minutes
In times when it is hard to love, and with the people who are difficult to love, will we work hard to reach across the gaps to understand others?

Cleveland’s Many Levels of Blessings

In January of 2011 the Cleveland, Ohio, congregation found itself needing a new meeting place.

New Feature Encourages Specific Prayers for the Preaching of the Gospel

The apostle Paul encouraged the Thessalonian congregation to pray for him as he carried out Jesus Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel (Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:19-20).

Council Letter

Unity: From Spirit to Faith

North and South Carolina Congregations Begin Holding UCG Booklet Discussions

The Charlotte and Hickory, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina, congregations have recently begun a UCG booklet discussion series.
A familiarity with God’s Word should consistently be on the mind of a Christian—but familiarity can also bring a certain level of complacency.
9 minutes
While it may seem simple, reading and analyzing the Scriptures critically is a key to better understanding what is actually written.

Pastor Appreciation Day Held in Lexington, Kentucky

On Oct. 31, 2021, the Lexington congregation, plus Portuguese-speaking brethren in Brazil and Zoom Sabbath attendees from other areas of the U.S., Canada, Scotland, Portugal and Angola put together a surprise for our pastor, Jorge de Campos and his wife...
We may have outward signs of faithfulness, but is there evidence of a real,  internal spiritual transformation taking place?
6 minutes
In preparing for the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, it is important to examine ourselves for sin. To accomplish this, we need an accurate...

Quarterly Council of Elders Meetings Held in December

The Council of Elders held regular meetings at the home office Dec. 6-9, 2021.

California Congregation Thanks Seiglies for 20 Years of Service

Orange County, California—The congregation pulled off a surprise celebration after Sabbath services on Nov. 20 to honor longtime pastor and wife Mario and Caty Seiglie for their 20 years of dedicated service to the congregation.