Only Sunshine

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Rain in the right amounts and at the right time is what gives flowers to the earth, seed to the sower and bread to the eater (Isaiah 55:10).

Jesus described the mercy and goodness of God when He stated that God made the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Too much sunshine or too much rain is destructive.

Some equate sunshine with happy and good times and rain with troubles or bothersome times. Our Creator knows that strong and good character develops when challenges are present and when we rise to meet those challenges. He has made us as we are purposely (Ecclesiastes 1:13). Sunshine may be a time to relax, rejoice and recoup oneself, but it is also a time for work that cannot be done in the rainy season. Rain may be a time to let growth develop, but that too brings the need for work. Life needs periods of sunshine and rain to be fulfilling and complete. Appreciate that balance.

Ambassador grad 1970. Pastor in Canada and Germany retired in 2017. On the Council of UCG-Canada and COE of UCGIA. Wife Valerie is British. Four adult children, 14 grandchildren and 7 great.


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