Beyond Today Magazine: September–October 2020

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Why does it seem that we’re stuck with so many problems that defy solutions? The same problems that plague us today—violence, crime, corruption, hunger, disease, war and so many more—have been with us for thousands of years. Why can’t we find an answer? An answer does exist, and it’s found in the pages of your Bible. It’s wrapped up in the answer to the key question addressed in this issue: Why will Jesus Christ return? You need to know! Download this issue in PDF, and look for articles to be posted in the coming days.

Table of Contents

Wheat in a field.
14 minutes
God gave seven annual festivals that present the work of Jesus Christ in saving humanity. It’s vital that all of us learn of them and what they teach.
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2020 issue.
4 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2020 issue.
Black Lives Matter supporters protest June 7, 2020, in Miami, Florida.
10 minutes
An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
The Supreme Court building, Washington DC
9 minutes
The U.S. Supreme Court has again defied God—by not only denying His Word but also scientific reality.
Rioters destroy a police vehicle in Seattle.
5 minutes
Mankind indeed has a deep spiritual problem—a deadly virus that has infected us and leads us into sin and death. It is our wicked, evil, selfish, self...
Soviet soldiers fighting in the rubble of Stalingrad, February 1943.
13 minutes
A massively destructive conflagration that engulfed the world ended 75 years ago after taking millions of lives and bringing untold suffering. Yet...
Sunrise over the Earth.
16 minutes
Many people believe Jesus Christ will soon return to the earth. But they’re not so clear on the reasons for His second coming. In part 1 of a two-part...
Police in Washington DC.
14 minutes
A widespread movement to discredit, defund and physically assault law enforcement officers has shocked many nations. What’s going on? What’s behind...
Riot police in the street.
17 minutes
There are very real causes to the chaos we see in the world around us as well as in our own lives. There is also a very real solution for those who...
Sunlight coming through trees.
9 minutes
As we conclude our series on eternity, we see that the Light shining from the beginning to endless end must shine in and through us—forever and now.
12 minutes
The prophet Jeremiah warned the rebellious people of ancient Judah that they needed to turn to God in humble obedience. How do Jeremiah’s admonitions...