Beyond Today Magazine: September–October 2019

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Mankind has long dreamed of a peaceful planet—a utopian earth no longer plagued by war, unrest, poverty, disease and corrupt government. But in spite of our best efforts, man has never been able to create lasting peace. The problem is that our problems are spiritual and they need a spiritual solution. And God has a plan to bring that about! In this issue of Beyond Today magazine, we show how a paradise on earth will come about—a kind of heaven on earth! Download this issue in PDF.

Table of Contents

A beautiful field of flowers, trees and sun.
9 minutes
God’s Word has astounding prophecies and promises for the future of planet earth. What will that future be like? How will it be different from our...
A family running on sandy beach with grass.
17 minutes
God’s plan to bring back the paradise man lost is revealed in biblical festivals meant for all to observe—culminating each year in rejoicing over the...
Kids holding backpacks.
9 minutes
An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
Letters From Our Readers: September/October 2019
4 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2019 issue.
Baptism in water.
13 minutes
Christians are told to “seek first the Kingdom of God.” But what must we do to enter God’s coming Kingdom and inherit eternal life?
A woman reading a Bible while laying on a grassy field.
19 minutes
Will longing for the Kingdom that Jesus Christ will bring tomorrow benefit our lives today? Yes it will! Here are seven ways.
Police tape at a crime scene.
4 minutes
Sometimes I think the world is going crazy. The rest of the time I know it is.
A stormy sea.
11 minutes
What if today’s culture is like that of the time before the Flood of Noah described in Genesis? What if God’s judgment and intervention are once again...
Sunrays coming through the clouds.
16 minutes
You were born to live a life Jesus Christ can use when He returns with the Kingdom He receives from His Father. Are you using your time now to prepare...
A young woman sitting on the ground hunched over as if she is struggling in life.
9 minutes
When the other disciples told Thomas they’d seen Jesus, Thomas would not believe. Then Jesus appeared with an invitation. What does this mean for us?