Beyond Today Magazine: September–October 2016

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Our world desperately needs real leadership! Why is it so hard to find? One reason is that we fail to understand what the Bible reveals is at the heart of true leadership. The time is coming when the world will experience the right kind of leadership—as exemplified by Jesus Christ Himself! In this issue you’ll also learn what that coming new age will be like and how you can be a part of it. 

Table of Contents

Big Ben clock tower in London, England.
13 minutes
The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote...
A family holding hands looking at the ocean waves and the sun setting.
10 minutes
This seven-day biblical festival gives you a preview of the coming wonderful age beyond today.
Cover of the Dabiq magazine.
2 minutes
The leaders of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) are nothing if not accomplished advocates and propagandists for their cause.
Church members listening to message delivered during the Feast.
2 minutes
To observe the seven days of the Feast and the Eighth Day that immediately follows, families gather in centralized locations for the entire festival.
A brown Bible.
3 minutes
Take the opportunity to learn more about God’s festivals as revealed in the Bible.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan
3 minutes
Since 1923, following the successful Turkish War of Independence after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire of the Turks in World War I, the Republic of...
A flame burning bright via a wick in oil.
8 minutes
Matthew 25 records Jesus Christ’s parable of the wise and foolish virgins. What lessons did He intend us to learn from it?
Various world leaders.
15 minutes
As a nation and a world cry out in desperation for right leadership, why is real leadership so hard to find? What makes a real leader, and will the...
Young Syrian males strike at a Hungarian railway station demanding transit to Germany in late 2015.
2 minutes
Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Germany has experienced a good measure of progress, prosperity and peace.
A young man sitting by an old railroad track.
7 minutes
Was the close connection first-century Christians had with the Father and Christ only for that time? Or is it for us today as well?
A writing pen on top of spiral bound notebook.
2 minutes
What kind of standards does God expect in leaders?
ISIS black flag - Black Standard or Black Banner
2 minutes
The self-proclaimed Islamic State (or ISIS) continues to terrorize the Middle East while encouraging and supporting terrorist attacks abroad...
Author's old car
4 minutes
If your fuel tank is running so low that you’re running on fumes, you may be in danger in more ways than one!
A stair step showing God's Feast-Steps of salvation.
10 minutes
Few people know that the Bible reveals seven festivals that were kept by Jesus Christ and the early Church and how these festivals show the way God is...
A man hiking in field with mountains in the background.
2 minutes
We’ve been taught since grade school that we should stay fit to live healthier and longer lives. A recent study with data going back close to a...
A very large ocean wave.
18 minutes
God is the all-powerful Creator of the universe who has a master plan, who determines future events and then brings them to pass—exactly in every...
Syrian refugees sleep on the floor of a railway station in Hungary.
14 minutes
A flood of immigration without assimilation has led to increased danger from foreigners among Western nations. How should we approach this matter, and...
Letters from readers of the Beyond Today magazine.
4 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2016 issue.
People walking a crowded city street and sidewalk.
2 minutes
Christians must recognize that we ourselves are strangers amid Western culture and all human society—being citizens of a kingdom yet to come.
A young woman sitting on the edge of a rock.
9 minutes
Your Bible and all nature tell of the many miracles of God. But one qualifies as His greatest. Could it involve you?