Table of Contents

17 minutes
Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from...
4 minutes
After 35 long years of searching (from 1972 to 2007), Israeli archaeologist Ehud Netzer thinks he has finally found his long-sought prize—the tomb of...
A man praying.
9 minutes
In ancient times, watchmen stood guard on a city's walls to see to the welfare of its citizens and to warn of coming trouble. Who is to do that job...
4 minutes
A lot of people claim to be Christians, but many aren’t really sure how accurate or how meaningful the Bible is for their lives today. Few read it or...
3 minutes
An editorial note from Scott Ashley.
3 minutes
Reporting from Denver, Patrick O'Driscoll wrote in USA Today: "Drought, a fixture in much of the West for nearly a decade, now covers more than one...
Parenting: The Terrible Twos or the Terrific Twos?
7 minutes
With all the stereotypes about 2-year-old children, what strategies can parents follow to help make this year terrific?
15 minutes
A reemergence of aggressive atheism has helped focus people's attention on that most crucial of all questions: Does God exist?
2 minutes
Hamas Islamic hardliners now dominate the Gaza Strip after a short and bloody showdown with Fatah, the rival Palestinian faction.
2 minutes
In the United Kingdom, "a huge rise in deaths linked to the superbug MRSA [a staph germ] in just over a decade has been revealed in official figures"...
2 minutes
Many brilliant men and women over the centuries believed in God and science.
2 minutes
Four decades after the Six-Day War reunited Jerusalem, some in Israel still fondly call this historic city the "eternal, undivided capital."
9 minutes
Many events have shaped the modern Middle East—perhaps none more than the Six-Day War in 1967. Sadly, Israel and Jerusalem remain a source of...
2 minutes
Since the mid-1990s Britain has been able to look across the English Channel and compare sluggish Continental economic growth with relatively good...
18 minutes
Almost 150 years have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species launched a theological, philosophical and scientific...
1 minute
Most people are somewhat familiar with the more common of the earth's mineral resources such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum. But what about rare...
12 minutes
If the theory of evolution is such a sure thing, why have so many doubts been raised about it? Why do so many fight so hard to prevent alternatives...
2 minutes
USA Today reporter David Lynch writes: "After years of inconclusive skirmishing, trade tensions between the United States and China are about to...