Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Psalms

As we have seen, the early Hebrew arrangement of the Old Testament was in three parts—the Law, the Prophets and the Writings. Mentioning this arrangement, Jesus Christ referred to the last section as the Psalms (Luke 24:44). This was evidently a common designation for the Writings that arose from Psalms being the first book of this section and occupying a rather significant portion of it.

Table of Contents

3 minutes
Prayer for help against enemies
1 minute
Tabernacles ministry left to continue
1 minute
Saul still tries to have David killed, judgment on the wicked
1 minute
David in the wilderness, God answers prayer for deliverance
2 minutes
Waiting on God for defense and salvation
3 minutes
God will judge the rulers of the earth and bring true justice
5 minutes
Remembering Zion in exile
3 minutes
Plea for deliverance from enemies
3 minutes
Those who may dwell with God
3 minutes
Those who may stand with God in His kingdom
5 minutes
The reward of the righteous and end of the wicked
6 minutes
God the refuge of His people
7 minutes
Praising God for His intervention for Israel and His provision
3 minutes
God's judgment to deliver all the oppressed
4 minutes
God's special love for Zion
3 minutes
Sing praise to God for His victory, salvation and coming just rule
5 minutes
Lamenting prayer for help against enemies
1 minute
Let all peoples praise God for His merciful love and truth
4 minutes
Peace to Jerusalem for God's house within
2 minutes
Childlike hope in God
3 minutes
Prayer for deliverance from evil, violent enemies
5 minutes
Praise to God from His people, who will receive salvation and share in executing judgment
3 minutes
Blessed is the man who trusts in God
7 minutes
Israel admonished to heed God
6 minutes
Prayer for restored favor, trust in God to defeat Israel's enemies
2 minutes
Prayer for justice and vindication
2 minutes
Prayer for God's protection against enemy plotting
9 minutes
Prayer for help against an international enemy coalition
4 minutes
Prayer for complete national restoration
5 minutes
God's glory in creation and human dominion
3 minutes
The hope of those who trust in God
3 minutes
Prayer for deliverance and forgiveness
4 minutes
Prayer for relief from chastening illness and enemies
2 minutes
God triumphant over the nations
10 minutes
Plea for deliverance from enemies
3 minutes
Prayer for God to intervene as in times past
5 minutes
Lamenting plea for deliverance from life-threatening affliction
4 minutes
Worship the high and holy King
6 minutes
The coming reign of David's Lord, the Melchizedek Priest-King
11 minutes
Praise to God for His everlasting merciful love and prayer for salvation
3 minutes
Plea for relief from contempt
5 minutes
Zion, the dwelling of God and His Anointed
5 minutes
Cry to be kept from wickedness and wicked schemes
3 minutes
Let all that live join in the orchestra of praise to God
3 minutes
Cry for deliverance from stronger persecutors
2 minutes
Confident prayer to God for victory over enemies
1 minute
Defeating enemy coalition, prayer for national restoration, plea for deliverance from coalition
1 minute
David feigns madness, happiness from trusting in God
1 minute
David saves Keilah, into wilderness, joy in God's fellowship
1 minute
Defeating enemy coalition, prayer for national restoration, plea for deliverance from coalition
1 minute
Temple completion and dedication, Passover observance, rejoicing for the returned captives
3 minutes
Praise to God for deliverance from enemy nations
3 minutes
Confident prayer for vindication, help and deliverance
2 minutes
Appeal for vindication, examination, redemption and mercy
4 minutes
Prayers for relief from chastening illness and enemies
5 minutes
Mount Zion, the city of the great King
1 minute
Plea for deliverance from enemies
7 minutes
God's dealings with and continued help to rebellious Israel
10 minutes
Prayer for God to uphold the Davidic covenant in the midst of defeat
2 minutes
Thanksgiving to God who made us
3 minutes
Praise to God for His righteousness and faithfulness
19 minutes
Aleph–He: Meditating on and living by God’s testimonies
2 minutes
God on His people's side
3 minutes
Blessing of God's people in unity
2 minutes
Plea for deliverance from enemies
3 minutes
The righteous blessed, the ungodly shall perish
2 minutes
The wicked who trust in wealth destroyed, the righteous who trust in God's mercy saved
2 minutes
The majesty of God in nature
5 minutes
Trusting in God for help through betrayal and conspiracy
1 minute
David escapes to the cave of Adullam, David's 400 men, prayer for relief from persecutors
1 minute
David established in Jerusalem, more sons, Philistines defeated, praising answered prayer
1 minute
Nathan's parable and David's repentance; his child dies; Solomon born, Rabbah conquered
13 minutes
Introduction to Psalms
1 minute
Prayer for justice
4 minutes
God's glory in His creation and perfect law
4 minutes
A confident prayer for God's ongoing mercy and care
10 minutes
Prayer for relief from adversities and enemies
5 minutes
The foolishness of trusting in wealth
4 minutes
Trusting prayer for help against enemies in old age
3 minutes
Lamenting prayer over enemy invasion and devastation
9 minutes
Prayer for God's compassion on His mortal servants
6 minutes
Commitment to righteous government
2 minutes
Blessings on the righteous
9 minutes
Waw–Kaph: Trusting in God’s Word, praying for His mercy and salvation
3 minutes
God protects and perpetuates those who trust in Him
3 minutes
Praising God in His house at night
4 minutes
Prayer for rescue from deceitful foreigners
4 minutes
Those who long for God will rejoice but their enemies will fall
3 minutes
Praise to God for deliverance
1 minute
Prayer for safety from enemies, David spares Saul
6 minutes
Prayer of repentance
1 minute
David's psalm of thanks for God's faithfulness, praising God's righteous judgment and mercy
2 minutes
Plea for deliverance from enemies
3 minutes
The Messiah will rule the nations
3 minutes
Trusting in God
2 minutes
Plea for God's defense and assurance of salvation
3 minutes
A trusting prayer for deliverance from persecution and false accusation;
4 minutes
Prayer for healing
6 minutes
God the Judge of His people
6 minutes
Prayer to bless the reign of the king's son with endurance, dominion, compassion and provision
6 minutes
Prayer for national restoration
6 minutes
Safety of dwelling in God's presence
4 minutes
Lamenting prayer in affliction with confidence in the future restoration of God's people
3 minutes
Praising God for His majesty and for caring for His creation
11 minutes
Lamed–Ayin: Loving God’s law and seeking His salvation
3 minutes
Security and posterity from God
5 minutes
Praise God for His great works in nature and for His people
5 minutes
Praise for God's greatness and grace
10 minutes
Praise and thanks for God's past care for and deliverance of His covenant people
4 minutes
Sing praise to God, who is coming to judge the world with righteousness and truth
2 minutes
Trusting God for refuge from enemies
2 minutes
The foolishness of godless and corrupt mankind
1 minute
David's psalm of thanks for God's faithfulness; Praising God's righteous judgment and mercy
1 minute
Absalom's rebellion, David flees, God will help
3 minutes
Confident prayer for relief in distress
2 minutes
Plea for help against the proud
2 minutes
Rejoicing in God's victory
3 minutes
Joy in forgiveness
7 minutes
Yearning for God in the face of enemy oppression
5 minutes
Praising God for His forgiveness and calling and His provision throughout the earth
7 minutes
It is foolish to envy the wicked
6 minutes
Yearning to dwell in God's house
4 minutes
Thanks to God for His faithfulness, whereby the righteous will triumph and the wicked will perish
6 minutes
Praising God's great love and mercy toward His people
3 minutes
God's powerful presence in delivering Israel
13 minutes
Pe–Tau: Following God’s commandments and praying for help and deliverance
4 minutes
Blessings of those who fear God
7 minutes
Thanks to God for His creation, deliverance and enduring loving mercy
5 minutes
Praise to God who helps those in need
3 minutes
God will judge justly
6 minutes
Call to worship and to not repeat Israel's past rebellion
3 minutes
Rejoicing in God's reign of righteousness and justice
2 minutes
Trusting God for relief from enemies
1 minute
David's psalm of praise for God's deliverance
1 minute
David's psalm of thanks for God's faithfulness, praising God's righteous judgment and mercy
3 minutes
Royal praise for great deliverance
4 minutes
Prayer for God's direction
1 minute
Patiently trusting in God's salvation
5 minutes
The Messiah cries out to God in suffering and the ultimate outcome
3 minutes
God's sovereignty in creation and human affairs
3 minutes
Collective prayer for deliverance from enemy oppression
4 minutes
Praising God's awesome works on behalf of His people collectively and individually
5 minutes
Prayer for relief from enemies who've ravaged God's sanctuary
3 minutes
Prayer for restoration after captivity
5 minutes
The eternal and invincible reign of God
8 minutes
Praising God the Creator and Provider
4 minutes
The nations trust in useless idols, Israel should trust in the true Lord
4 minutes
Plea for deliverance from deceitful enemies
3 minutes
Plea for Zion's enemies to be put to shame
6 minutes
Praise to God for giving strength and revival
7 minutes
Praise to God for His providential care and Word
1 minute
Confident prayer for justice
10 minutes
Praise and thanks for God's past patience
3 minutes
Prayer for deliverance from surrounding enemies
1 minute
David and the showbread, flees to Gath, prays for relief
3 minutes
Prayer to remain secure in God's presence forever
1 minute
Defeating enemy coalition, prayer for national restoration, plea for deliverance from coalition
1 minute
David's psalm of praise for God's deliverance
2 minutes
Prayer for healing
2 minutes
The foolishness of godless and corrupt mankind
6 minutes
The blessings of following the Lord, the Shepherd
3 minutes
Man's wickedness and God's mercy and goodness
5 minutes
The divine King and His bride
2 minutes
Praising God for the blessings His Kingdom will bring
3 minutes
Thanks for God's righteous judgment
3 minutes
Prayer for mercy and help against enemies
4 minutes
Prayer for God to bring justice on the wicked, with confidence that He upholds the righteous
4 minutes
Call for people to thank God for blessing them and delivering them from troubles
9 minutes
Vowing service to God in thanks for His deliverance
5 minutes
God our helper and keeper
4 minutes
Waiting on God's redemption
9 minutes
Prayer for the all-knowing God to punish the wicked and to examine and lead His servant
6 minutes
Praise to God from all creation