Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Jonah

As we saw in our previous reading, 2 Kings 14:25 shows that Jonah preached during the reign of Jeroboam II (ca. 792-753 B.C.). He "was from Gath Hepher, a town in the territory of Zebulun (see Joshua 19:10; Joshua 19:13; 2 Kings 14:25), several miles northeast of Nazareth. Nothing is known of his father Amittai. The name Jonah means 'Dove.' We associate the dove with peace and purity; however, this positive meaning is not the only possible association. A 'dove' could also be a symbol of silliness (see Hosea 7:11), a description that sadly applies to this tragicomical prophet" (Nelson Study Bible, introduction to Jonah).

Table of Contents

10 minutes
Jonah flees commission, into sea and swallowed by fish
10 minutes
Jonah's prayer, his deliverance and the fulfillment of his commission, Jonah's anger at God's mercy on Nineveh