The Holy Spirit

"'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6).

The Holy Spirit is the very imprint and power of the Godhead—but not actually God. It's a power and an aid you can have in your life, too. Find out more below.


I Will Come to You - The Great Promise!

On the last night of His human existence, Christ made a promise to His Disciples that "I will come to you" and that they would not be abandoned! How has God led His covenant peoples through the ages in their…

By a Mighty Hand

Moses nine times commands the Israelites to remember God's mighty hand and outstretched arm that delivered them out of the land of Egypt. This message looks at this mighty hand and the spiritual lessons we can learn for these Days…

The Firstfruits

The feast of the Firstfruits, also called the Feast of Weeks and Pentecost, is very important to us in at least two ways: it helps us understand part of God’s plan of salvation; and, it is about those of us…
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Speaking in Tongues

Is it unintelligible babbling no one can understand or talking in known languages for the purpose of edifying and educating?
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The Power of the Holy Spirit

Learn how you can be freed from the sting of crippling fear. The ultimate source of courage and faith is available!
A eagle flying over water.

Changing Hearts and Minds

The author of Hebrews makes clear the changes needed to transform humans from the selfish and self-destructive beings of today to the giving, peacemaking and joyful citizens of God's Kingdom.
Water splash

How Can God's Spirit Transform Us?

We will never make it spiritually on our own. We need God's help through His Spirit to succeed. The Bible presents several analogies to help us see how His Holy Spirit is used in our lives.
Page of the Bible opened to Acts.


The Christian church started with a big bang on the Day of Pentecost ten days after Christ ascended into heaven.


Are you stuck in the rut of this world? Jesus Christ offers you spiritual power that can transform your life.
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Baptism: Washing Away the Past

By His power, God can and will cleanse you of all your past guilt, pain and burdens. You can become a new person.