Bible Infographics

Below are various infographics to help visually convey information from the Bible. 

Infographic: Names for Saturday in Many Languages Prove Which Day Is the True Sabbath

Names for Saturday in Many Languages Prove Which Day Is the True Sabbath

Which day of the week is the biblical Sabbath? It is clear from the names for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, in many languages.
Infographic of various Bible translations.


There are three main types of Bible translations: word-for-word, thought-for-thought and paraphrase. Which one do you choose to study God's Word and learn His way?
Infographic: Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation


View the chapter outline of the book of Revelation.
Infographic: Story Flow of the Book of Revelation


Use this chart to help understand the story flow of the book of Revelation.