Can I watch Beyond Today videos on the Xbox?

You can watch Beyond Today programs and BT Daily videos on your Xbox by using the free YouTube app. Follow these steps to setup the Xbox. (* You must have a high speed Internet connection.)

1. You must have an Xbox Live Account for your Xbox.

2. Go to the Apps tab on the Xbox Start Screen.

Beyond Today on xBox

3. If you haven't already, install the YouTube App.

4. Select the "Browse Apps" Square.

5. Find the YouTube app under "video" and See All.

6. Select the YouTube Square

Beyond Today on xBox

Beyond Today on xBox

7. Select "Download". This is a Free App and will cost nothing.

Beyond Today on xBox

8. Confirm the Download.

9. The Download will begin. This may take a few minutes depending on your Internet connection speed.

Beyond Today on xBox

10. Once downloaded you can find the YouTube App in the "TV & Movies" > "My Video Apps" or the "Apps" > "My Apps" Squares.

11. Select the YouTube App.

Beyond Today on xBox

12. With the YouTube App launched you can search for "Beyond Today" content.

13. Press the "Y" button on your controller. Use the letters to spell out "Beyond Today TV". Or, if you have signed into your YouTube account. You can go to "Subscriptions" Square and select "Beyond Today TV"

14. Select a video and it will begin to play.

Beyond Today on xBox

15. Press the "A" button after the video has started and go the "Double Up Arrow" icon and select it.

Beyond Today on xBox

16. Then go to the "Like" button and select it! This will help more people find the Beyond Today channel on YouTube. Thanks!!

Beyond Today on xBox

Beyond Today on xBox with closed captioning

For the hearing impaired, close-captioning (subtitles) are provided for the majority of the videos. Click on the "CC" button to view the subtitles.