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12-Lesson Online Bible Study Course

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12-Lesson Bible Study Course

Our free 12-lesson Bible Study Course is designed to walk you through the basic lessons of the Bible. It will teach you why the Bible is true, teach you how to study more effectively, and answer some of life's greatest questions.

We also encourage you to cover the major themes of the Bible on our companion "Bible Answers" website in a 12-lesson, easy, interactive format.

1 minute read time

For many millions, God's Word is unexplored and uncharted territory. Yet the Bible is not only designed to help human beings cope in a world caught up in all kinds of crisis. It contains the good news of the Kingdom of God—showing how God will solve the many problems of a world edging ever closer to catastrophe. In this lesson you will discover how the Bible reveals great truths that, when comprehended, can transform your life in ways you've never imagined.

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1 minute read time

God's Word reveals the true values by which we must live if we are to solve our massive relationship problems and the other seemingly insoluble dilemmas that threaten to overwhelm us.

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1 minute read time

Is there a reason why you exist? In this Bible Study Lesson, you will find answers to why you were born and what your future will be.

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How do we reconcile anguish and suffering with the Bible's portrayal of a loving God?

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Many of these threats to human survival play prominent roles in prophecies in the Bible.

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Is the work of organized religion the Kingdom of God on earth today? This is the central idea that shapes the view of the religious world. But is this the same Kingdom of God the Bible describes?

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What is the meaning of God's relationship with humans?

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In this lesson we examine the process by which our lives can be turned to God—the process of conversion.

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In this lesson we discuss this remarkable change, made possible by the transforming power of God's Spirit.

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What does the Bible mean when it talks about the Church?

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Is it acceptable to believe we are free to worship God as we wish, to refashion God in our own image? Or has God revealed an approach to life that He expects us to follow? Does it make any difference in the relationship we are supposed to have with Him? In this lesson we examine the answers to these questions and more from the Scriptures.

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1 minute read time

Humanity has been deprived of the keys that unlock a comprehensive understanding of God's plan and purpose for humankind. God reveals His splendid plan in the prophecies and teachings of the Scriptures. In this lesson you will see how God has provided us with the keys to unlock His plan through His sacred festivals.

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